adorable (twidash)

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'Twilight Sparkle the princess of friendship'
That's all she ever heard, and she was tired of it, sure she loved her meaning but being a princess, that's too much for her, too much stress.
Twilight was walking up and down the empty halls of the castle that came along with her title, the place was so empty it was daunting nothing like her old little library plain and simple but her life wasn't plain and simple anymore no she was a princess and that came with responsibility but there was always one person there for her sure her friends were there but no one was like rainbow Dash she was special made her feel a way that no one else could.
Speaking of Rainbow Dash Twilight had not seen her for a few weeks it was unusual for her to go a few days without seeing her, the purple alicorns mind couldn't stop racing with thoughts of the bright coloured Pegasus she felt something behind her almost as if there was another Pony behind her, she was shocked when her eyes were suddenly covered leaving her Blind
"gusse who?" a voice the alicorn knows all too well said from behind her making her smile like an idiot
"I dunno, who?" she said playfully obviously knowing who it was, suddenly she could see again and was greeted with rainbows face
"it's your best friend Rainbow Dash here to cheer you up"

"and so with ahuizotl defeated and the sapphire statue secure, The world was safe and sound once again thanks to daring do" rainbow finished closeing the book "the end" she finished putting a wing around twilight
"well look who's the egghead now" the alicorn stated giggling
"well your egghead" rainbow replied with a smirk, Twilight blushed, but then smiled
"yes, yes you are" she pulled the Pegasus into a kiss and too her surprise she kissed back, they pulled away from each other
"your adorable"

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