sick (flutterdash)

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Fluttershy was sick, whilst all of her friends had gone to canterlot to assist princess Celestia with some important business at least that's what she was told looks one of her friends though in fact one of her dearest and oldest friends, Rainbow Dash.
She stayed behined to look after fluttershy knowing she was too sick to look after herself.
"hey flutters, how you doin'?" the rainbow coloured mane Pegasus asked
"i-im feeling a bit better" fluttershy responded smiling at rainbow, she smiled back
"well suppers ready, I'll go get it for you" she said walking to the kitchen
"thank you" the shy Pegasus said more to her self if anything

An hour had passed and rainbow and fluttetshy were both laying on the couch whilst rainbow dash was reading 'daring do and the quest for the sapphire stone' fluttershy smiled at how passinot her friend was for reading, and the way her eyes Sparkles when she was talking about something she likes, it made her heart flutter (pun intended)
Rainbow dash placed down the book and looked at her filly friend, they didn't realise it but they were slowly leaning in towards each other, once there lives were almost touching rainbow pulled back a smirk on her face
"sorry flutters, I'm not kissing you until you get better, you don't want me to get sick now do ya"

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