wedding (appletwi)

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Oh sugarcubes, this is actually happening the farm pony thought as she awkwardly played with her tie
"your not getting cold hooves are you?" celectia said with a smirk on her face
"u-uh no" applejack said as she looked down with sweat dripping from her head
"ya dont think she changed her mind do you?"
"shes not late, the ceremonies not supposed to start until three" Rainbow dash said giving her friend an anoyed look
"but everyponys already here shouldnt we start now"
"shhh, its starting" spike said as the music began to play
Applejack went still as the doors opend followed by her younger sister and two friends frowing flowers on the grownd and then, she saw her... Her beautiful bride to be, twilight sparkle the love of her life, the mare that never faild to take her breath away
"easy tiger, save it for the honeymoon" Pinkie Pie whispered in the earth ponys ear, before she knew it twilight was in front of her looking lovingly into her eyes
"We are all gathered here today to celebrate the Union cause of princess Twilight Sparkle and applejack" the rest of what princess celestia was saying was muffeld to the two ponies just getting lost in eachothers eyes
"do you, twilight sparkle take applejack to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and and in health till death do you part?"
"i do" the alicorn said with teas of joy prickle in the corners of her eyes
"and do you applejack take twilight sparkle to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health till death do you part?"
"ah do" the orange pony said with a pink shade spreading across her cheeks
"may we have the rings please?" celestia asked as spike handed them to her
"with the power invested in me, i now pronounce you wife and wife you may now kiss the bride" the princess said as the rings were placed on their hooves, and twilight pulled her now wife into a sweet kiss as everypony cheered
"best wedding ever!" the pink earth pony yelled hugging her now married friends

"you have to admite, they make a really cute couple" the pink earth pony said as she watched the married couple dancing
"yes, but i thought i would be the first to be married, since i did catch cadences bouquet" rarity said sighing

"i love ya twi" applejack said kissing the top of her wifes head
"i love you too applejack" they both giggeld as they saw granny smith and twilights parent crying as they continued to dance
"ya know, pinkie was right"
"About what"
"we really are a cute couple"

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