reading (twipie)

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It was quiet in Ponyville too quiet so quiet it was abnormal and it worried Twilight Sparkle knowing that the places is never quite with her friend pinkie pie around, she was in library at the moment reading one of her favourite books a book that her mother had given to her before she went off to magic School and sure it was simple for her to read now that she was older and a princess for that matter but it was still dear to her, she suddenly had a knock at the door place the book down on the desk and walk towards the front door the Castle once you opened it she was greeted with an all too familiar face it was pinkie pie looking looking slightly tired which was really strange for the bright pink Earth Pony
"hi pinkie, what can I do for you?" The pupule alicorn asked in her usual friendly voice
"uh hey twi, I just came to check on you!" She said a slightly slurring her words almost as if she hadn't gotten any sleep which was probably the case knowing Pinkie Pie
"would you like to come in" twilight asked her friend slightly stepping out of the way to let pinkie pie walk in
"sure! Thanks twi" Twilight could tell she was trying to put off the fact that she was tired by talking in her usual high-pitched voice but that can't fall Twilight she was too observant for that, she closed the door and led the pink pony towards the library
"so, are you okay, you seem a bit out of it today" twilight asked taking a seat on the couch with Violets pillows scattered everywhere think you looked at her confusion for a brief second but then it turned into more of a sad look
"yeah, I've just been busy lately and haven't really had any time to see you I just felt really bad for that" she said slightly tearing up
"oh pinkie..." the alicorn whispered to herself as her horn started to glow and pinkie was levitated into the air and plopped down on the couch next to the purple alicorn "you don't have too feel bad for that" she said wiping away the tears sliding down her face they both smile at each other
"hey twi?"pinkie asked
"yes pinkie?"
"can you read to me?"
"sure think"
Suddenly a book appeared in twilights hooves, it had a beautiful pink cover with golden lines going diagonal, pinkie stared in aww as twilight flipped to the first page and started reading in the most beautiful voice pinkie had ever heard
"once there was a Mare with a coat as white a snow she was loved by all in her Village all except one her father..."
Pinkie trailed off at that point getting lost in the alicorns soft voice.

Pinkie was awoke by a wing being wrapped around her
"and they lived happily ever after, in friendship and love"

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