rain (twishy)

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It was raing. Not bad but bad enough for some pony to get soaked if they were to walk in it. And that was what was happening to fluttershy, she had gone to the market to buy angle some more carrots but whilst she was there it started raining, being closest to it, she ran to twilights Castle hoping to find shelter, she knocked on the door waiting for the alicorn to awnser, once she did she looked worried
"fluttershy your soaked! Quick get inside!" she said helping the pegasus inside away from the cold
"t-thank you twilight"
"it's no problem, here let me get yours towel" the purple alicorn said as she teleported a towel in fluttershys hooves
"thanks.." fluttershy said under her breath as she dried her self off
"so what were you doing out in the rain?" twilight asked out of curiosity
"well I was going to the market to buy angle some more carrots, and while I was there it started to rain, and you were the closest to were I was so I thought I'd come here and get out of the rain" she said still drying herself
For some reason twilight felt almost disappointed that that was the only reason fluttershy had come to her, but she decided not to look into it
"oh well, you could stay for a bit, it doesn't seem like the rain is going to clear up any time soon anyway"

"here's your hot coco shy" the purple alicorn said handing the shy pegasus a cup with hot coco in it
"thank you twi" she said taking a sip of the coco
Twilight sat next to her looking outside the window watching the rain pour down it, she looked over at the pegasus and smiled warmly examining her features like her warm teal eyes that sparked when she was happy and her smile that never fails to melt twilights heart, next thing she knew she has wrapped her wing around the yellow pony and put her coco down
"u-um what are you doing twilight..?" fluttershy asked nervously
"this" she leans in a kisses fluttershy.
"sorry the weather must have gotten to my head"

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