cupcake (pinkieshy)

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It was quiet in sugar cube corner as pinkie pie sat alone at the counter, quietly tapping her hoove on the glass cabinet when the familiar ring of the front door bell rang, The pink earth pony looked up to be greeted with her marefriend fluttershy
"hey fluttershy!" pinkie pie said as she waved at her with her right hoove
"hi pinkie" the shy Pegasus said in her usual timid voice
"what can I do for ya!"
"umm, can I have a red velvet please?"
"oh sorry flutters, but miss cake just ran out of those"
"oh okay then..."
"Buttttt, if you really want to you could make some with me" pinkie pie suggested

"and now we just wait 15 minutes and then they should be done!" the pink pony said as fluttershy put the tray in the oven, when the pegasus looked at the earth pony she started giggling
"umm pinkie you got a little uh..." she said gesturing two the flower on pinkies nose
"oh no biggie!" she said wiping it off on the hoof
"but you also got some on your cheek!"
"I do?" she said going to wip it off, when pinkie threw some flower at her
"now you do!" she said running away, fluttershy smiled and began chasing after her marefriend
Once fluttershy had caught up to pinkie pie she tackled her to the ground with the both in fits of giggles
Pinkie looked at fluttershy and licked her cheek getting the flower off
"better?" she smiled at her fluttershy
"hehe, better" the shy pegasus said wrapping her hooves around her marefriend and kissing her nose,
They heard a ding from the kitchen
"cupcakes are ready!"

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