Ch 18

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It took us about 20 minutes to get to Flowers house we pulled into the driveway there where already a couple of cars in the driveway some of the guys must have already gotten here . Vero and Flower lived in a nice home I wasn't surprised Sid knocked on the door , we didn't wait there long before the door was opened by Flower

" Sid , Claire glad you could make it please come in . "

We walked into a contemporary foyer I took my jacket off and hung it on the coat rack . Sid and Flower were deep in conversation . I just looked around admiring the decor Geno came out of what I assumed was the living room

" Nice sweater Claire "

I blushed " Thanks Geno it was a Christmas gift ."

" Come some of the guys are playing PlayStation . Before I could say no I was guided into the living room sure enough there where 5 guys scattered around the furniture . I noticed Neal was present as was Kunitz . Geno introduced me Joiken , Sutter , and Olli , I noticed he introduced me as Sid's girl friend I blushed . Soon Sid joined us with Flower .

" Who are we all waiting on." I asked

" just 3 more guys "

" Tanner , Goc,and Niskanen. "

" oh"

I talked with the guys amiably somehow Sid brought up Luke being a Philly fan that went great not. The guys were talking away poking fun and such . Luckily Vero popped her head out of the kitchen and asked me to come help her with something . " Sorry boys I got to go help I'll be back later . " I rose from my chair and went into the kitchen washing my hands and helping Vero chop some things for the salad .

" You know I didn't really need help but I thought I'd save you from the guys . "

" I can't thank you enough I'm getting crap because my brother Is a misguided Philly fan . "

" Ouch "

" yeah but he's not hateful unlike most, misguided as I said ."

" I see . " it was quiet a few moments except the noise of our work . She spoke . " So your Sids girlfriend "

I blushed I still wasn't used to the title . " Yeah but it's kind of unofficial "

" Claire I'm gonna be complete Honest with you ,to you it might be unofficial but your wearing his numbers . He's introduced you to the guys it's pretty clear it's official . "

" yeah but it seems really sureal I mean I haven't been to any of the wife and girl freinds events and we just started dating .

" Even so it's perfectly clear to me , Im sure you'll be brought out in public soon I just think he's nervous . It's good for him to have a distraction . "

I nodded and helped finish up last minute details Vero called the guys for dinner . As we sat around eating and talking I realized what she'd said was true Sid might not have official called me his girl friend but it was clear that we were a couple and that was obvious to others . I supposed he just didn't want to say it he was nervous about it and that was fine he'd say it in time or when the press leaked it hopefully the first . I got Neal and Genos number while we were at dinner , I was really bounding with them both . In an older brother way of course. We stuck around after dinner chatting with everyone . Eventually we said goodbyes and headed back to the house tomorrow we were going to finish unloading the truck .

The next day, we got up late and ate breakfast we didn't have anything to do around 1 the doorbell rang that was odd we weren't expecting guests who could it be . I thought maybe I should let Sid get it I mean it could be Mario and that would be awkward. Sid got the door it was some of the guys . Odd not that it wasn't nice seeing them . " hey why are you guys here . Shouldn't you be with you families " a few of the guys laughed .

" Sid is having us help you get the rest of your things in ." Neal said .

" Oh that's not necessary . "

" it's no problem ." Geno said

I watched as the guys unloaded the rest of the truck

" Just be careful you guys I don't want any of the star player straining anything heaven knows I don't need Mario asking questions about how that happened since I haven't officially met him . Not to mention if anyone gets hurt the fans will lynch me . "

" We will be careful don't worry about it . "

" just saying Flower I don't need our star goalie getting hurt . We'd not be in first in the metropolitan division with out you . Not to mention I'd hate to image Zakoff starting . "

" Ouch no one tell him that."

" hey I have nothing against him he just hasn't proved himself like you and voulkon have. "

The guys were done within 2 hours and while flower and a few other went back home , Neal and Geno stuck around for a bit longer . Looked like I was cooking for four tonight .

The weeks flew by and I attended a few games but not in the wives and girlfriends box rather in the crowd with the public . Today was the last home game before a road trip which included a stop to Philly . Sid and I would meet up in Philly when he got there they had to make a stop in Boston and New Jersey before the last game of the road trip .

I was finishing cooking lunch when Sid got back from practice , he kissed my cheek .

" hey "


" how was practice ?"

" good I think we are ready for the road trip . Earn more points to keep the lead in the division .

" Sid the closet team is 10 points back as long as you guys don't choke I have no doubt you'll take the division title . "

" my ever so confident in our ability "

" yep " I gave him a peck on the lips .

" I was just finishing lunch up go set the island for us ?"

" okay" he gave me one more squeeze and went to do so as he walked away I admired his ass god he had such a nice ass he really did and most guys didn't have that great of butts but his was a 10 for sure . We were having sloppy joes but a healthier version Sid had a pretty strict diet he followed during the season he had to be at tip top shape and that meant no junk food , not that he didn't cheat . But if he did he was back on the straight and narrow the next meal . During lunch Sid said to me " so I've been thinking ."

" about "

" if your ready I think it's time you join the wives and girlfriends and families in the box . I was thinking tonight could be the night ."

I took a sip of my drink before speaking " oh.. Um .. Okay if your sure ."

" Vero will show you the ropes I'm aware your thinking your gonna get eaten alive by the girls but Vero will make sure that doesn't happen . So are you up for it ."

I thought a moment before nodding if Vero would be there to show me the ropes and help prevent me from getting eaten alive . But this lead me to a question I had to ask .

" Sid does this mean your getting ready to come out with us as a couple? "

He nodded " but we are going to take things slow . The press will catch on eventually and this way we are real seeing it slowly .

" that sounds like the best idea i suppose its better the the media leaking it it . So I'm game ."

he smiled " good cause i already got you your pass ."

he took out a box pass and slide it across the table . I guess tonight was my first real test . That evening i headed over to the arena a little nervous to say the least I mean i esstinally stepping into the shark tank it was do or die time.

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