Sochi - the Olympics part 1 . ch 22

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The weeks flew by and class started before I knew Sid was finishing packing for Sochi he left tomorrow we still hadn't even talked about me coming over for the medal games , if Canada made it and lets all be honest i knew they would. I made him his favorite dinner and as we were sitting down to the meal i spoke . " Sid , I've been thinking we haven't really discussed me coming over to Russia for the medal rounds or if you guys play the U.S."

He put his fork down and spoke " I've been thinking about it to and from what I understood as well as what we have both seen on the news even with the Olympics there Sochi is not the safest town , and i don't want to put you at risk . But you clearly wont let me not let you come at all.

"exactly "

" Depending on what happens leading up to the medal events then I will let you come to the medal games but only if we make the medal rounds. Also if we play The united states I will let you come . But no sooner then that . You need to focus on school up until that time.

" You'll make the medal rounds we all know you will. " That night we had some fun and in the morning i saw him off to the airport . The days trickled by with out him here i threw myself into my books except for getting up in the wee hours of the morning to watch the games . Just as i had thought team Canada was going to play the u.s in two days time after the U.s had beat Russia The U.s would make the medals . I was already packed just waiting for the news. I was just getting out of the shower when my Skype rang . I threw on a bathrobe and opened my lap top hitting answer. The screen popd up and it was Sid

" Hey handsome . How's it going?"

" Good I got your tickets for Russia "

" I thought you would , and im sure you already sorted the other details out ."

he smiled " You know me to well hotel aragment and all I'll email you the details. "

" I miss you "

" I miss you to but we will see eachother soon , but for now how about you take the robe off . " he winked

" real smooth Crosby" i rolled my eyes. "Besides aren't you rooming with Kunitz , I'd rather not scare him for life. "

" he's not in right now just us . "

" first when does my flight leave ."

"5 pm "

" and its 10 now , okay that's manageable since I'm packed and everything and doing the math ill get into London about 9 am . "

" like i said email now... "

" yeah, yeah patience's Cindy " I un -tied my rob "This isn't the same you know "

" I know but we wont get to do the real thing till you get here and I cant wait till then. I know you cant Ethier. "

"Maybe , Maybe not " I tossed my robe aside . " Your turn Sid . "

" of course darling ."

As Sid undressed I couldn't help but think how odd this was if you would have told me I'd be skypeing naked with Sidney Crosby a couple months ago I would have called you crazy but here I was virtual sex god the sooner I was in Russia the better . After a virtual session we said our good byes and Sid promised to shoot that email off in less then 2 hours then he was going to bed it was late in Russia and he needed his sleep . I would get into Russia early the day of the u.s Canada game I'd be sleeping most of that day . As Sid said he sent me an email with all the details and such I'd leave for the airport at 2 I had to get through customs and such . 2 o clock rolled around and I hauled my suitcase out to the cab I'd called to the airport. It was easy enough to get from Pittsburgh to London during the 9 hour flight I read slept and watched a little tv . I got into London at 8:30 am and my flight didn't leave till 11 Time for some breakfast as I was eating I got a text from Neal .

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