ch 42 unexpected

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It was Late August around the 23 I hadn't been felling 100 percent . Nothing like that of my illness leading up to hospitalization . No this was a different sort of sickness . This time I was just tired. Dragging my head hurt and I found my breasts were a bit tender . I figured it was just cause I was a week late on my period so it probably meant I'd start it soon . One more thing that was off was my normal love of scrambled eggs seemed to be gone . What was going on .

Sid was off In Colorado at some training camp before official training camp. To be honest at this point it was hard keeping track. It was a Friday afternoon and I was laying around when my cell rang . I looked at caller ID it was Vero I answered it .

" Hello"

" Hey girl what you up to ? "

" Laying around watching trash TV I've been a little under the weather theses past few days ."

" How so?"

I explained to her how I'd been felling . There was a long moment of pause before she spoke agian.

" I think I know what the problem is ."

" What."

" I think you might be pregnant . "

I scoffed " No there is no way . No how ."

" Woah slow down a sec . You were on those strong antibiotics when you got out of the hospital right ."

" Yeah "

" And you were on them for a week or two yes? "

" Correct Again."

" and Sid have to had fooled around during that time . "

" yeah , we did 3 or 4 times. What's your point ?"

" My point is , antibiotics weaken birth control . They make it less effective . And you can't tell me you thought of that and made him wear a condom . "

" Oh! Shit! Your right ! But that doesn't mean I'm pregnant. "

" When did you have your last period . "

" like 5 weeks ago I was supposed to bleed last week but with the stress of the wedding ... "

" Pregnant ."

" Vero I'm not Pregnant ."

" Fine whatever you say . But I'll be over in an hour to test my theory. "

" Vero don't... " to late she hung up damn it ! I flopped back on the couch . What if she was right ? What if I was pregnant ? Sid and I weren't ready for a baby . I inhaled deeply . Let's just hope this is all a huge misunderstanding . I don't even want to think about its hurting my brain to just begin to process the mere concept .

About an hour later I heard the bell ring and went to get the door . As expected it was Vero.

" I brought somethings. "

" Let me guess Pregnancy tests . "

" Bingo Lets get some fluids in you and we will catch up ."

I found myself drinking a 12 oz bottle of water catching up with Vero .

" So you never told me were you two were going on honeymoon ."

" Oh we aren't doing anything to special 5 days 4 nights in a nice private cabin up in Canada . Sid hasn't specified where . We would have done something fancier but NHL media day is literally less then a week and a half after the wedding. The face of the NH is expected to be there . "

" That's what you get for marrying the face of the NHL . "

" Tell me about it . Your coming to my hen night right ? "

" Of course . I wouldn't miss it for the world . From what I've heard Sids stag night is gonna be crazy . "

" Do I want to know what details you got from flower or would it be better I don't know. "

" You don't want to know , all I'll say is Sid better be ready for some craziness. "

" Tell your husband him and the boys cant go to hard on him I need him in one piece for the wedding ."

" I'll make sure he gets the message and passes it on to the boys. "

We talked about some other things about the upcoming season and about Estelle who was about ready to go off to preschool . To soon I finished my water. I knew what that meant . I exhaled and Vero spoke

" Its Time . " She pulled two different tests from her bag . God help me this wasn't happening right now. I took one of them

" I'll be back . " I went into the bathroom with one of the tests . Here goes nothing I thought up capping the test and proceeding to use it . I set the test back on the counter when I was done and washed my hands . Nothing to do but wait now . I waited the designated 15 minutes . It was time now or never , I took a deep breath and looked down at the test .....

Cliffhanger yes I'm a dick :)

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