Ch 37 The best Christmas gift ever

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Before I knew it it was Christmas eve one of my favorite holidays . Even if i was just spending it with my love it would be special. I'd steeped up this year and volunteered to host the Christmas Dinner for some of the guys. I spent most of Christmas eve day getting some of the food for tomorrow ready. I thought I was adapting to the role of hockey girlfriend well and I'm sure Sid agreed. That evening after dinner Sid and I exchanged gifts I went first. I'd gotten him an air hockey table for the game room . How could you be a hockey player and not have an air hockey table . Not the most practically of gifts but he liked it . Shopping for him wasn't easy what did you get a man who practically had everything ? It was my turn now and Sid left the room to get my gift how odd . He came back with a big wrapped box , setting it at my feet .

" Go on open it."

I tore into the present and removed the lid. When I opened the lid I beheld the most adorable corgi puppy I'd ever seen. " Ahhhh He's adorable! Sid you didn't get me a puppy ! "

" I figured you could use the company when I'm on the road .I got him a bowl and leash and other things to there in the other room."

" He's so cute thank you . " I gave Sid a kiss .

" What are you going to name him?"

"Hmmm... " I thought a moment and then the perfect name came to me " Stanley , his name will be Stanley. " I smiled at Sid

" Stanley as in the cup ?"

" The one and the same ."He smiled that lob-sided grin at me

" Its a perfect name . "

This had to be one of the best Christmas's I'd ever had.

The next day dinner went smoothly and I felt as if I'd proved my worth as a hockey girlfriend.

All to soon it was a new year and I was starting the new year off in a bad way . Mother nature was being her typical bitchy self and giving me one hell of a painful monthly gift . I had shit that i needed to do but at this rate I wasn't getting anything done . In fact I was laying on my couch watching trash tv when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Sid.

" Whats my beautiful girl doing ? "

" Besides dying of agony nothing ."

" Ahhh :( You want me to come over I'll bring you chocolate ."

"Yes... Please your the best boyfriend ever! "

" I know ;) be over soon baby . "

" Love you . "

" Love you more . "

I smiled and put my phone down . He really was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for . 25 minutes later there was a knock on my door and Stanley ran to the door barking . I got off the couch picked up my puppy and answered the door . " Hey baby ." I gave Sid a kiss .

" Hey , I brought chocolate and a new toy for Stanley ."

" Ahh I love you ." The rest of the day we cuddled on the couch and watched tv .

To soon school was back in full swing and I went to my chemistry class the one class I had with Sarah this semester . I sat down next to her and pulled out my note book .

" Hey ."

" Hey ."

" You doing anything after class ?"

" I was just going to take Stanley for a walk in the park then catch the game on tv . Why ? "

" Cause the school is having a blood drive and I thought we could go donate together . "

I took a deep breath " Sarah you know I have an irrational fear of that needle sticking in my arm . " I shivered at the thought .

" Oh come on you'll be fine just don't look , I'm sure they can get someone who knows what there doing . "

" But I really don't want to ."

" Come on they are in desperate need of blood right now . One donation can save up to, three lives with one donation . "

" merh... "

" Come on I'll buy you dinner then ."

" Your gonna have to do better then that . To get a needle in my arm . "

" ugh fine i'll buy you something."

" Good girl make sure it's pretty . "

" You are complete ridiculous ."

" I know ." After class we headed over to the blood drive as I was waiting to have my blood drawn I texted my boy . " good luck tonight score me a hat trick . :3 "

As my blood was drawn I thought I was gonna pass out . Don't look don't look . Ewww ... I was relived when it was over . " I hate you ." I told Sarah on the walk to my car she just laughed .

Next thing I knew it was only a couple days before valentines day and as far as I was aware Sid and I didn't have any plans. That was until he called

"Hey Babe ."

" Hey love ."

" I hope you don't have any plans tomorrow night . Because I have something special planned ."

" Oh a surprise , I love surprises. Is Their a certain something I need to wear?"

" Just casual and comfortable love. Pick you up at 5:30 . "

" Okay , I'll see you then handsome . " After we hung up I wondered what he had up his shelve . Who knew but whatever it was it was sure to be amazing . "

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