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"no Vanessa" I text her, "please don't do it. I care so much about you please stop cutting yourself" I cry and begin to breathe irregularly.
"too late." she replies. "it's too late, I'm already bleeding and there's no going back." my heart shatters and I start shaking.
"Vanessa please stop. you can come over and we can talk about what happened, just come over and I'll promise you that everything will be okay."
"fine. I'll be there in 10 minutes."
piece by piece, my heart comes back together.
once I hear her knocking on the door, I run to answer it.
"come in and go to my room."
"is anyone home?"
"no my mom is out of town and it's just me" I shut the door and jump up the stairs to my bedroom. I open the door and see Vanessa staring at her wrists.
"wha-what happened? why? you promised me that you wouldn't do this ever again." I stutter and manage to squeak.
"my mom and I got into another fight and I kept getting texts from everyone saying things like 'slut' 'whore' and even 'worthless bitch'. I couldn't handle it anymore." she looks down at the floor and I hug her.
"it's okay. you know that you're not a slut and the things that they said. your mom doesn't mean the things she said. she was angry and upset. I'm here for you, you should've talked to me before you cut your wrists. now let me see them." there were 10 straight lines across her wrists. I realize that I'm crying and it's getting harder to breathe. it feels like someone is restricting me from breathing and like I'm drowning and I can't swim.
"wha-why? you're so much better than that." I hug her.
after talking more about what happened, we decide to watch a movie on bullying and about this girl who tries to commit suicide.
"wow that's messed up" we say in unison. Vanessa fell asleep toward the end of the movie while I stayed up to think. what was I going to do with her cutting? should I tell someone? what if she tried to kill herself? I need sleep, maybe I'll know the answers in the morning.
I wake up to see Vanesa soundly sleeping, she looks so peaceful. I get up to make coffee and get ready for school when I see that my room is a complete mess.
"I'll deal with it later." I mutter. Vanessa must've heard me because she replies with "that's what you always say about cleaning your room." I chuckle and stride into the kitchen to start on making coffee.
Authors note-

okay so I'm new, and I've been working on this for a few days. more to come, please read, vote and comment! thank you! by the way Marley was changed to Vanessa

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