She Did It Again

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"Yo Nicole, wake up. You're gonna be late. Get up." I hear my friend Kelly's voice in my head telling me to get up but I know that she's not there. She moved a couple towns over last year and we talk everyday since then.
"Nicole get up. You know what, fine. Be late. Be late to see danny and go on your lunch date." I open my eyes to see that kelly is standing right over my bedside. I scream as I jump up on the bed and hug her. We haven't been able to hang out for a while so this is the first time that I've seen her in a while.
"AAYY I MISSED YOU!" We scream in unison.
"Oh my god, we have to see Vanessa, Jessica, and Andrée." She points out.
"Yes we do, they'll be so happy to see you! Wait how did you get into my house?" I raise an eyebrow at her while she contemplates giving me an answer or not.
"Umm, that spare key you used to have never moved and I remember where it was. Sorry."
"It's okay, that's just a little creepy. I thought I was dreaming and then when I opened my eyes you were right there."
"Yeah, sorry. I should've called but that would've ruined the surprise." Sometimes I admire kelly for the way she handles situations like this.
"Well I have to start getting ready, so you can go make me breakfast like a good little housemaid. Please. Love you."
"Am I wearing that little housemaid outfit? I think not. So go make your own damn breakfast."
"But but, I need to get ready and look pretty for my date. Maybe you can make something for yourself too."
"Wow you never get less annoying do you?" Ah that's the kelly I know and love.
After getting ready, kelly walked me to school and told me that she would be at my house for the day. I had to go home at lunch to get ready for my date with danny and then I would go back to school and kelly would sleep over.
During all of my morning classes I couldn't pay attention, I was too excited.
"Nicole, snap out of it." Vanessa hisses.
"What?" I ask confused.
"You're daydreaming. Stop it. I need to tell you something really important." I put on a concerned look.
"Okay, what's wrong?"
"Well my mom and I were fighting again and she told me that I should just leave the house for a while. So I left the house and when I came back inside to grab my bags to leave the house for a few days, my mom had this guy over and she was kissing him. My dad wasn't home and she was cheating on him. I ran outside the house after I grabbed my knife. I started to cut lightly until i pressed harder and harder. I need a place to stay at for a while, can I stay at your house?" The tears just start rolling down my face and I can feel the hot eyes of everyone staring at me. We were still in the hallway when she told me. I run into the bathroom dragging Vanessa behind me.
"What the hell you promised me that you would never do it again. How could you? Vanessa seriously, I'm angry with you. That was foolish." I scold her.
"Well how would you feel if you saw your mom cheating on your dad?" She adds in defense.
"WELL MY DAD ISNT IN MY LIFE ANYMORE. HE LEFT MY MOTHER. HE DIDNT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME ANYMORE. SO NO I DONT KNOW HOW IT WOULD FEEL." I was practically screaming. I could feel my face getting hot and my body starting to shake. I stormed out of the bathroom and decided to go home to get ready for my date.
"I just don't get her." I tell kelly. I told kelly about what happened. I always go to her with my problems because she's always there to help me through them. Vanessa kept texting and calling me saying that she was sorry but I didn't reply. She ruined my morning and I wasn't ready to forgive her. She still needs a place to stay at but she can't stay here this week. Not after what she did. I know I'm being harsh but I've always had a deal with her, if she cuts I do too. I've broken that deal before but now I think I have to stay by my word. If she sees me hurt, then maybe she'll stop. I can't do it now though, I have a date to get to.
When I walked to the restaurant that danny had planned reservations for us, I see that he is already there waiting for me.
"Hey beautiful." I blush and smile.
"Hey! Thank you." After we order, we start making small talk. I just get so lost in his smile and his laugh.
When we had to leave for class, he paid and we walked back to the school. It was a good date, except for the fact that I wanted to tell him what happened with Vanessa. I can't, not yet. I trust him a lot but I can't tell him that big of a secret. I text kelly to tell her that it went well and that I am dreading going back to class. I don't want to see Vanessa right now so I'll just have to avoid her.
Jessica and Andrée are at my locker when I get back to the school waiting for me.
"What the hell happened with you and Vanessa?" Jessica asks.
"She was a mess during lunch." Andrée adds.
"She told us what happened but now I want to hear your side." Jessica says.
I tell them what happened and they said that it was the same as what Vanessa had told them. Jessica said that Vanessa was going to stay at her house until things were better with her and her mom.
I was walking home when I was stopped by Joe.
"Hey Nicole, wait up!" He yells.
"What do you want?" I hiss.
"How was your date with danny?"
"Wait how do you know about that?"
"Danny and I are like best friends. How did you not know that?"
"Touché, well the date was good." He smiles and looks down at his shoes.
"I want to apologize for what I said about Vanessa. It was really rude and wrong. I already apologized to her but I thought I should say that I'm sorry to you too." He looked sincere and guilty. I wasn't angry at him when he said those things, I just stood up for my friend.
"It's okay, we're all good. Thank you."
I continued walking home and thought about what I should do with Vanessa. I don't know if I should cut or not, I need Kelly's advice.
"You shouldn't do it. I don't want you to. Please don't do it." Kelly's eyes were filling with tears.
"Okay I won't. Thank you for helping me and being there for me when I really need someone." I hug her.
Kelly puts on a movie and we make popcorn. Kelly fell asleep three-fourths into the movie and I saw that the time was 12:30 so I decided to fall asleep myself.
Author's Note-
So I've been updating a lot
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