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"oh come on Vanessa, I know you can do it. just jump!" I yell.

"I'm afraid! I'm not going to! no!" she yells back.

I push her into the icy cold water down below.

we were jumping off of a short cliff into the lake under us. It was about a thirty foot jump. to me it was nothing but to her it was like falling down one hundred feet.

she scrambles to regain her balance but it's too late, she's already falling. she hits the crystal clear water and swims back to the top.

"IM GOING TO GET YOU BACK FOR THAT!" she exclaims while laughing.

after her jumps Jessica, and then Andrée leaving me at the top.

"c'mon Nicole! it's really nice down here!" Jessica says.

I jump, leaving the cold rock behind me. once I feel the refreshing water hit my back, i start swimming back up to the surface to meet my friends.

"wow it's really nice here isn't it? I'm so happy to be spending an entire week with you guys!" Andrée squeals.

we would be kicking off the spring break with a small camping trip. it was Andrée, Jessica, Vanessa, kelly and I. I am so excited! I miss hanging out with my friends like this.

"what do you say that we go back to our campsite and start putting up tents and stuff?" I question.

"yeah sure!" kelly adds.

once we got back to the campsite, I quickly threw over shorts and a shirt to start putting up our tent. It was difficult, considering the fact that i had only put a tent up once in my life before. I was with my dad and we were camping. I remember going on a hiking trail with him.

"Guys, come here!" Kelly shouts.

"What's wrong?" andree yells back.

"I found a really cool bird! come quickly!" kelly manages to scream super loud.

"Are you kidding me Kelly?" I answer.

"what?" she looks confusedly at me.

"A bird? Really?"

"What! It's Blue!"

"It's probably a blue jay. so stupid."

"You're mean."

"I know. I love you!"

It was about five o'clock when I noticed everyone sitting down on a towel eating.

"Oh so you're not even going to offer me a sandwich?" I joke.

"Nope. Now get over here, we're telling stories!" Jessica says excitedly.

"So I was just sitting there and he looked at me like a creep so I flipped him off and walked away. Was that bad?" Andrée says.

"Yeah that's kinda bad. What happened after?" I ask.

"He just looked at me all offended-like." Andrée answers.

"Hmm, I wonder if you'll ever see him again." Jessica ponders.

We share stories for another good hour or so. We stop when we realize that the sun is setting. We were on top of this rock in the mountains so we got this gorgeous view. We took pictures and selfies, and then finished putting the tents up in the darkness.

"Guys, I'm really excited to be here right now and I want to tell you all that you are my best friends and if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do with my life. You guys are there for me when I need you. Thank you." Kelly says. We embrace her, and stay there for a little bit.

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