so real yet so fake

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"Is he alive yet?" I whispered as Tora rolled his eyes at me.

"We didn't kill him, he just passed out," he sighed.

"You, not we. You threw the punch," I glared at him and he grinned.

"And you were the witness, Leo being the leader to guide my actions, so yes, we," he pat my shoulder, adjusting the strap of my dress as we waited to walk out.

"Thank you for this," I held his hand in mine and he leaned into me, a smile over his lips.

"Anything for my love," he kissed my cheek, an arm wrapping around me as Leo rushed up to us.

"Aren't you supposed to already be at the altar?" I shouted slightly at him and he gave a sheepish grin.

"I'm going, but quick change of plans. Blondie is awake and he will be walking you down the aisle, not Tora. Tora will instead now stand by my side," he flashed a grin, his grip over Tora's arm tight as he tugged him out.


"He's right."

The silky voice called out as I turned, seeing the same male from before no adjusting his sleeves.

"Takumi, am I correct?"

I watched his green eyes widen for a moment before nodding as he stepped closer towards me.

"Only know my first name, not surname?" He questioned, holding his arm out for me to take.

"They wouldn't tell me," I smiled softly, my arm twirling into his.

"Ah, makes sense then," he sighed, pulling me to his side as we stood at the entrance, ready to turn then walk through. "You're really beautiful," he smiled, his eyes starting to get wet and I blinked at him.

"T-thanks, are you okay?" I raised a brow as he let a breath out.

"Perfect, this just is special for me," he tightened his hold over me and I nodded.

What the heck.

"Yeah, me too," I replied, unsure of what I was even supposed to say.

"I just think that maybe we should be able to get to know each other better, and spend time together more. You really inspire me," he took a shaky breath as he spoke and I nodded again.

"Sure, sounds good," I smiled kindly, knowing I probably wouldn't have to deal with him after this again.

He took a deep breath as the music started, signaling for us to walk in. Holding his heart for a moment, he placed a soft kiss over my cheek.

As my eyes widened, he had started walking as I was forced to step in with him so I wouldn't fall. We kept pace, turning the corner as the bell rung, showing we were on beat with the schedule.

Right as the higher pitches started, we entered the large room, silence falling over the hushed whispers as they stared openly.

Standing, their gaze was glued onto us and I kept my head low, the veil over me as I stepped onto the first step.

As the male let go of my arm, handing me into Leo's hold, our hands in each other's as we faced each other.

I took a deep breath, the vision of Tora in the corner of my eyes and I felt my palms go sweaty.

I saw him smile, a simple smile, yet a smile nonetheless.

And suddenly it all felt easy, this was easy.

The entire plan we had became easier.

As the person spoke and the time came for us to agree to the vow, I tightened my hand over Leo's.

"I do," was all that I was able to hear as Leo's voice sounded out and I couldn't focus on anything else.

As the man turned to me, I parted my lips to speak, not wanting to mess up the actual two words I had to say.

"I do."

Leo squeezed my hand softly, cheers erupting and as he had lifted the veil up and over, I saw Tora's jaw clench slightly, yet he clapped as well.

Without wasting another second, I was pulled into Leo's arms, his arms around my lower back as his lips came over mine.

The screams got louder and I let my hands rest over his chest as we kissed, pulling apart as we turned to face the crowd.

Bowing slightly, we smiled as we stepped down to get engulfed with hugs and cheers from everyone around us. Leo's arm stayed around my waist as we greeted the guests, thanking each of them for arriving. We made our way through the people to meet as many people as we could, grinning brightly as they congratulated us.

I glanced over at Tora as he gave me a nod, conversing with the same male who had walked me down the aisle.

Once the clock strikes midnight,

That's when the real plan comes into play.



"ShUT UP!"

"He's the moron who stepped on my foot first!"

"I'll step on your face next if you don't keep quiet!" I grumbled, tossing the food into the bag while the two continued to argue.

"I still was her first kiss."

"You'll kiss my foot next if yo-"

"Guys," I turned around to smile at them. "Shut up before I shove an umbrella down your throats."

"Such a kind aura I am truly blessed to be around," Leo sighed, a hand over his heart and I rolled my eyes.

"I've got the bag, let's go," Tora nodded, slinging the bag I had packed over his shoulder.

"Yeah, wouldn't it be hilarious if we missed our flight?"

Leo's chuckles were the only sound during the silence as he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Then let's hope I booked your seat on the wrong flight," Tora grinned and I smacked his head.

"Quit with the bickering, let's not waste time now."

We left the hotel, checking out as we got into the taxi and told the driver the airport in the next city.

"You know," Leo started off and I immediately rolled my eyes.


"We should have kept your wedding dress," he grinned and I sighed, Tora's hand twitching.

"Can I smack him this time?"

"No, Tora."

"Yes, To-"

I placed my hand over his, giving him a small smile as he cut himself off.


"Hey, thought I should bring something up," Leo started off again.

"And what's that?" I raised a brow and Tora raised a hand.

"Oh, yeah," Tora spoke. "We'll have guests waiting for us in Italy when we arrive," he gave a sheepish smile.

"And that is?"

"My love," Tora took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers and I gave him a nod.

Leo spoke first, Tora following after to clarify.

"It's your blood brother."

"Usui Takumi."

My brother ate my dinner and I am hiGhLy uPseT gOsH and we ran out of coke :(

My Love // Tora IgarashiWhere stories live. Discover now