heated air in the room

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"Y-you what."

"Well that sure isn't the reaction I expected," Leo deadpanned as Tora was frozen.

"YoU COULD AT LEAST SHOW A LITTLE MORE ENTHUSIASM FOR MY SISTER'S CONFESSION YOU DOG!" Takumi shouted, jumping up from his seat as Misaki held him back.

"I-I don't think you should."

Tora's words had me smile as I let out a deep sigh.

"I know, your father has had me highly aware of that ever since we were children, worry not," I paused as I saw his lips start to tremble, quickly adding on words. "But that is why we went through all the trouble to come to Italy and risk our lives!"

My rushed enthusiasm was met with still silence throughout the room.

"I can't believe you endured the torture for us," Tora's eyes watered further and before I could speak, my brother cut in.

"Well, gee golly. Is her in a hospital room not enough proof for you?"

"Now is really not the time," Misaki hissed at him and he threw his hands in the air.

"You know what now is the time for?" Leo stood up, shuffling around with his pockets. "Playing that recording," he announced, pulling out the chip that held the audio of what went down in the office.

"What recor-nO," I stumbled to retrieve the chip from his hand as he pulled back, playing the audio into the drive he brought along with him.

"Sir Igarashi."

I saw Tora tense from the simple addressing I had made to his father.

"What a delightful sight to come back to after a stressful meeting."

"I would agree, I am quite a sight."

Why didn't I keep my mouth shut?

"You still captivate me with those features of yours just like your childhood."

"How funny, I seem to think I've been blessed with beauty as well, just like your son has been."

I nearly choked over my spit, turning my face away from Tora abruptly.

"Were my warnings for you to stay away from him not enough?"

"Obviously not if I kissed him every chance I got."

I was wheezing, trying to stay silent as the audio played on and I felt like fainting.

"You never learn, even when I threatened you in your younger years, I thought you'd grow up with more fear, not defiance."

"What can I say? The lovely time I've spent with your son has such an impact on me."

"What an attachment to my son you do have."

"Of course, I mean, I'm quite loyal to the man I'm in love with."

Friendly reminder to self : please s h u t up.

"No shame you have to speak so openly of matters like that with such a high level person. Reasons like this is why I cut that damned ribbon."

I saw Tora's fists clench from the corner of my eyes and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"You what?"

"That lovely red ribbon my son got you when you were a little girl? The one he oh so fondly wrapped around your hair each and every time? I tore it to pieces, watching the silk turn to shreds with a smirk."

"You shouldn't smirk, leave that to your son, he's much hotter than you when he smirks, even without smirking, he's plenty ho-"

I finally choked successfully, flapping my arms around like a deranged dying dolphin.

"Move forward, I've got no more patience with your life anymore. Keep going or I'll toss you."

"Actually the toss sounds good, like how strong is your arm that you'd be able to toss me entirely up the stairs? Like down the stairs is a different th-"

"Quit with your yapping and go."

I took a deep breath in, trying to calm myself down from my stupidity.

"The impact is already setting in on you that quickly? What an advantage on my side."

The sounds of chains moving around were present and I let my eyes shut for a moment.

"Better sit still, brat."

"I'm not the brat, you're the brat."

"You're so far from done."

As my consciousness settled in further, the pain started to burn over again, the sting over my cheek there as well from haven been slapped twice.

"Interesting. Seems like the usage of the smoke worked better than I thought it would have. Your bloodline already is so infected."

The recording stopped as my screams started and I blinked, afraid to look at Tora, afraid that the pain in his eyes would tear me apart.

And as I glanced over at him, I found myself unable to break my gaze off of him.

Another friendly reminder to self,

Listen to your gut sometimes.

"To To."

Tora engulfed me into his arms, clutching onto me as his head rested itself over my shoulder and I held him tightly.

"I love you, so so much, my Y/N."

My eyes were the ones to sting this time as tears blurred over my sense of sight.

"For you to go through everything all these years and say nothing all for me, I shou-"

"Don't dare blame yourself for anything," I cut him off sharply, my voice unsteady as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

I felt his tears wet my skin and I let him cry out while I held him, running my fingers through his hair. I felt Tora's eyelashes brush over the skin of my neck as his eyes started to flutter shut and I let my own close as well, falling into a light sleep.


"I didn't lie, he is hot."

I admitted to myself as I had woken up, seeing Misaki and Takumi had left the room along with Leo, leaving a note that they were getting food from across the street.

Tora, on the other hand, had fallen asleep in my hold as we had been curled into each other's embrace and I let his head rest over my lap as I played with his hair, leaving kisses over him.

"Kiss my lips."

I struggled to breathe as my throat tightened at his sudden words.


"You've been kissing my face, my neck, my hair, my hands, yet not my lips yet," he mumbled out, his eyes still shut.

"And you pretended to sleep?"

"I didn't pretend, you just assumed I was still asleep, I woke up when you did, and yes, you're right," he agreed and I raised a brow as his eyes opened slowly to gaze at me directly.

My heart skipped a beat, the intense stare having my chest feel tight as his hand held onto mine, our fingers intertwining.

"I am hot."

I blinked at him, my throat shut and I couldn't form any response as he started to sit himself up, leaning into me slightly and I panicked.


Guess we'll find out real soon kekeke :)

My Love // Tora IgarashiWhere stories live. Discover now