endangered escapees

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Leo had rushed forward to her, his hands hurriedly working to undo the chains as I stared at her.

The blood.

Her blood.

It was everywhere, staining each inch it touched and I soon saw Leo spotted with red as he helped her. His hands were bloody from holding her and my chest tightened.

I couldn't hear anything, yet I saw Leo's lips move as he gestured towards me.

What was the point anyways?

If I didn't have her.

If I couldn't have saved her.

I felt something hit my arm and I blinked.

"Did you just throw your shoe at me, you mongre-"

"Are you really going to just stand there or do you want me to kill you myself for doing nothing for her!?" He screamed at me and as I stared at him, I saw the tears that stained his cheeks, rolling down from his eyes.

I fell to my knees, a sob breaking through my lips as my heart twitched.

My head started to spin faster, not understanding anything, questions racing through my head as I pushed myself towards her.

Nothing mattered more than her life right now.

"There's no windows here," Leo turned around in the room frantically, searching for a way out. "We can't go back down a-"

"Then make one."

"What?" He looked over at me, his face scrunched together in pain and confusion as I held Y/N tighter.

"Make a damn exit! Take the chair and break the wall, use the chains if you have to!" I yelled at him and he took a deep breath.

Curling his hands around the top of the chair, his wrists turned as he lifted the chair to the side and up, the impact of the force he put in showing through as debris flew.

I held Y/N closer to me, covering her from anything from hitting her fragile life. I held back a hiss as I felt pieces of wood hit my back repeatedly.

"Wait," Leo turned around to me, setting the chair down as I faced him.

"What now? You made an exit, now we leav-"

"It's too high of a jump," he panicked.

"I don't care, I'll take the land under first before she can so she won't even touch the ground," I lifted Y/N up, wrapping my arms firmly around her as her blood now spread over onto me, her head resting onto my shoulder.

"You can't just put your life at risk for hers a-"

"You would do it, wouldn't you?"

He fell silent at my question.

"I would, but I know I wouldn't have anything to lose. Unlike you, the love I have for her isn't returned, she wouldn't have the pain of my loss as she would for yours."

I took a sharp breath, shutting my eyes as they started to sting.

"Leone," I breathed out in Italian.

"Tora," he replied in Japanese.

"Let's do this, there's no need to make things harder than they already have become," I watched him take a deep breath as he nodded.

"If we put the chair against the wall and tie the chains to the leg, we can get down safely," Leo turned to me abruptly and I looked down.

"You go that way, I'll stay back with Y/N. Only one person can go down the chain anyways. You go safely, then I'll kick the chair and chains back and jump."

"Tora, please, we can work something ou-"

"No, Leo, we won't," I cut him off. "Because I want for the one who did this to be bothered."


"Whoever did this, they'll be anxious. Knowing we got away, but then seeing only the hole in the wall, they'd know we would have jumped. From there, the assumption of our death or life has no clear end for them," I explained. "If they see our safe escape, it'll be closure for them, we can't give them that."

"That's great and all, but your life is on the line for thi-"

"Risks cost prices, either you go down with the chain or I'll push you down," I spoke harshly, his eyes showing how torn he was yet I turned my face away.

He tightened the chair against the wall, the chain firm over the chair as he tossed the chain down, turning to me.



"I'll pull the chain back up after you've gone down safely and move the chair back to leave the things as they were when we came," I spoke quickly, giving no time for him to argue as tears streamed down his cheeks.

With a nod given to each other, he placed his feet on the side of the building, his knuckles white from his grip over the chain as he let himself down.

I blew out a deep breath, my eyes shutting as I felt a tear roll over my skin.

I had no words to say to the unconscious Y/N in my arms, only needing for her to open her eyes again so she could roll them at me. For her lips to part so she could turn me down when I'd flirt with her.


A simple sign of life.

The chain gave off a tap against the wall and I saw Leo on the ground, waving his arms around and I nodded.

Tightening my grip over Y/N, my one arm curled around her to keep her close to my body while the other hand moved the chair back, pulling the metal loops of chain up with one hand.

The things I do for love.

No one would ever have imagined.

With a last glance at the room, I made sure there was no evidence pieces left, taking a step back towards the wall. Before I could turn to jump, my foot stumbled over the uneven end, my eyes going wide.

Right before I fell back out into the open air, my sight snapped to the torn red ribbon on the ground in her blood.

The same silk ribbon I would tie over her hair now damp with her blood.

But I wasn't able to think any further as I fell through the air, gravity pulling me down and I curled myself to keep Y/N safe, shutting my eyes as I prepared for the impact.

There's still a few moments and events that are to come and then this story will be coming to its close :)

My Love // Tora IgarashiWhere stories live. Discover now