Chapter 5: Hi Hello

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Kai and Younghyun just decided to chat about the details of the project.

They started working on the introduction, related literature review, and then the questionnaire they would answer after each experiment. It took Kai and Younghyun three hours to finish all of them, including proofreading and doing some revisions.

Younghyun: I'm gonna make the outline for the methodology now. You can add your ideas or what you have searched while I'm doing it.

Kai: Sure.

Since the project is like a case study report, Kai and Younghyun finished the methodology in less than an hour. After that, they only need to worry about the gathering of data and the executive summary.

Kai: So we'll be going to interact with our fears five times.

Younghyun: Yes, I don't think we can manage to do that in just one day. We'll do it during weekends so it won't affect our weekly class schedule. For our first day, we'll be riding public transportation on our way to Mines View Park in Baguio. The day after that, we'll go to Sky Ranch Tagaytay. Since the Ferris Wheel can be considered a confined space for me. Also, it goes upward, so we can ride on that and face our fears together.

Kai: The relationship between our phobias is excellent. It's like hitting two birds with one stone. I just really hope all of this will go well.

Younghyun: Don't worry, we have each other. What are your ideas for the third day and the fourth day?

Kai: I don't really know if this is a good idea, but the location I picked next is the mall. We'll ride inside the elevator six times together. Sorry, I don't think I can go to the top floor yet, so I just chose the elevator since it's closed and packed, and also it goes upwards. For the fourth experiment, we'll enter the Kaybiang Tunnel, which is 300 meters long. I suggest that we ride a tandem bike and hike Mount Batulao in Nasugbu, Batangas.

Younghyun: Your ideas sound great. I have no objections about it, even the tunnel is too long. I really hope I can manage. I thought of an idea for our last one, what if we go to the places where it all started.

Kai: You mean the place and reason why we developed such phobias? I want to agree, but can we do it? Can I do it?

Younghyun: I think the reason you're doubting is that we've been enduring this for a long time alone, but now we have each other to rely on, so I really believe that this time, our fears will be somehow bearable. I think facing the place will contribute positively to us, especially to this research, but it's okay if you don't really like the idea.

Kai: You suggested a perfect one. How could I reject it?

Younghyun: You're okay with it?

Kai: Yes

Younghyun: Finally, we're done with the methodology.

Kai: Thank you for your hard work. By the way, I would also like to thank you for the songs. They really helped a lot, especially when I woke up from a night terror. I hope I could also thank Jisung someday for the masterpieces he had created.

Younghyun: You too, Kai. Really? I'm glad to hear that. So you'll meet him, don't worry, I'll help in any way that I can.

Kai: Okay, thank you. I need to go.

Younghyun: Okay, see you tomorrow.


Ryujin couldn't go home again with Kai because her professor extended the class, and she can't do anything about it but rant to Kai through texts. Kai smiles at the messages she's been receiving and just decided to reply with comforting words instead of teasing Ryujin. Then, Kai passes by a guy who seems familiar. Her eyes immediately fall on his key necklace.

He's the guy who gave me his umbrella! Kai thought while hurriedly fishing his umbrella from her bag. Kai finds herself walking back towards him, and when she finally turns to look at his face, her mouth fell to the ground.

What the? The umbrella guy is also the squirrel guy? He helped me twice now.

"Uhm, excuse me," Kai said shyly.

He didn't react, so Kai slightly taps his shoulder. The guy then removes his earphones and looks up at her.

"Is there anything that I can help you with?" He asked politely.

Kai shakes her head no and said, "I just want to return this to you and to also thank you for lending it to me. You're also the guy who helped me when I was trying to find a building inside the campus. Thank you for that too." She said while handing him the umbrella.

"Y-yeah, don't mention it. I'm glad I could be of help. Thanks for returning it to me. I really value this one," He said after taking the umbrella from her hands.

Kai thought she should now leave him alone, but she can't help but stare at him because she's trying to find out where and when she heard his voice. Finally, her bus arrives so she decided to go. As Kai enters the bus, a conversation abruptly replays in her mind, and then she realizes that they were from the dream in which Han Jisung from the other universe visited her. Kai suddenly turns to the window, and with wide eyes, she gazes at the guy in the waiting shed, and to her surprise, he is also looking back at her. The bus starts to move, but neither of them is trying to break eye contact first.

I can't be mistaken. That voice belongs to Han Jisung.

"M-mister, I'm sorry, but I forgot something. I'll just take the next bus," Kai said while pressing the stop button.

The driver was surprised but can't do anything about it, and then he opens the door.

Kai gets out of the bus hurriedly and runs towards the guy in the waiting shed still staring at her. Confusion is evident in his eyes.

"Uhm, hi again? Did you forget something?" He asked, concerned.

"I forgot to ask your name."

"My name?"

"Yeah, can I know it?"

"Uhm, sure, it's Han Jisung."

After confirming that it's really him, Kai can't help but feel happy.

"I finally found you." She mumbled to herself while smiling widely at him.

Jisung doesn't know what's happening but seeing her smile happily like that makes him feel the same.

"I-I want to know your name too." He said.

"You can call me Kai," She said, leaving her surname behind because she's still not ready to bring up the past.

"Kai, nice meeting you for the third time," Jisung said, offering his hand.

Kai shakes it gently and said, "Yeah, it is really nice to meet you again, Jisung."

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