Chapter 12: Spaces

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A week has passed, and just what I've expected, Jisung didn't reach out to me after that night. I know I said that I would respect whatever his decision will be, but why do I feel the urge to contact him first and ask him how is he doing?

Chan and Younghyun noticed that I've been feeling down lately, and I don't want to involve them with this, but I am aware that I'll just worry them more if I don't explain my current situation. Talking it out with them helped a lot. They comforted me and gave me a piece of rational advice, which is to provide him with some space for now.

Kai sighs. I haven't seen him in the library either. Maybe, he's avoiding me.

"What's with the heavy sigh, early in the morning?" Jisung asked, and then he gets the paper bag containing books from Kai's hands.

Kai's eyes widen when she sees Jisung. He is wearing a denim jacket and a white shirt underneath it, unlike his usual hoodie or plain shirts.

Kai composes herself and then tries to get the paper bag back from him, "Oh, J-Jisung? No, no, I can manage. It's just a few books inside of it."

"It's fine, and I'll carry it until you reach your building. You're on your way to your class, right?" Jisung asked.

Kai starts walking again, "Yeah, how about you? Where are you heading to?" Kai asked, but she remembers that Jisung must fulfill his duty in the library, Kai is about to take back what she said, but Jisung starts speaking.

Jisung matches her pace, "I still have 5 hours before my music literature class. Can I sit in your class then?"

"Uhm, but how about your five-hour duty in the library?"

"Oh right, the duty. What time is it again, and where is the library located?" Jisung said, but it looks like he's asking himself.

Kai is confused, but she still gives him answers, "9:00 am to 2:00 pm, the library is located in the 9th District. Is everything alright?"

Jisung checks his watch, "Thanks, Kai. You're really a life savior. I still have time left to walk you to your room, and besides, your building is just beside the library I'll be working at."

"Okay, thank you too, Jisung. By the way, nice watch. Did Younghyun give you that?"

"Ah, this," Jisung said while moving it immediately out of her sight, "I got this from Minho Hyung. Yeah, he's a really nice guy who has a lot of money."

Jisung mentally slaps himself. What am I even saying? I don't know what to say. That's why I answered her with what I read from the notebook that this world's Jisung keeps for his lyrics.

"Right, he really is," Kai said while smiling, "We're here. Thanks for walking me to my room."

Jisung gently hands the paper bag back to her, "No problem."

He takes a moment to stare at her, I know it's selfish, and you wouldn't probably remember the whole year we spent together in your dream, but I still want to spend some time with you.

"What is it, Jisung? Is there dirt on my face?" Kai asked.

"Huh? Ah, yeah, wait, let me remove it from you," He said.

He steps forward, closing the distance between him and her, and then he removes the dirt on her hair, "There, it's all good now."

Thank God, there is a speck of dirt on her hair, He thought to himself, relieved.

Kai's face reddens when she looks up to see his face up close. He's too close. I'm afraid my heart will start beating fast anytime soon-


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