Sledding (pantoum)

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Purple mittens sewed from the past
The never-ending blanket around
Puffing out clouds we trudge onward, always
Searching for more than just the right sled hill

The never-ending blanket around
Our cheeks grow red as my coat
Searching for more than just the right sled hill
Nothing in the world can go wrong here

Our cheeks grow red as my coat
We can wait until warmth, it is worth it
Nothing in the world can go wrong here
Just us and the eternity of snow

We can wait until warmth, it is worth it
We are ready to begin a descent
Just us and the eternity of snow
Feeling like a strip of Calvin and Hobbes

We are ready to begin our descent
Purple mittens sewed from the past
Feeling like a strip of Calvin and Hobbes
Puffing out clouds we trudge onward, always

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