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I was walking through separated and tall pine trees alone. I couldn't look up but from the dim light around me, I knew it was night.

"Yusrah" a voice resembling my Mama's called.

I turned and spotted her wearing her favourite cream and gold gown. She draped a veil on her head and looked serenely beautiful.

I ran as fast as my legs can carry me and hugged her tight.

"Mama you left" I said in an accusing tone crying profusely

She patted my head "It's okay darling time will heal you and so will people around you"

"How can I start doing things alone? Making decisions, solving problems? I can't do that"

"You will darling you will. You're allowed to crumble and stand whole again"

She pecked my forehead and the light became dimmer and dimmer till all I see is darkness.

"No! please don't go"

"Yusrah! Yusrah wake up "

I sat up abruptly and stared with eyes as wide as saucers

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihir raji'un. it's a dream" I whispered

"Are you okay? Minal questioned looking at me with a weird look

I nodded " Yes. It was a nightmare"

She sat on the bed next to me "Want to talk about it?

I shook my head "Not really"

"Okay. Go and perform wudu'u then, its fajr"

I nodded and sluggishly walked to the bathroom feeling every piece of me drained even when I just woke up. After performing wudu'u, I speared the praying mat, put on minal's long hijab and started praying.

When I was done, I recited my azkaar and gently took her Qur'an reciting it till 8:05am.

My neck ached when I finally closed it and stood up making my way to the bathroom to take a bath. Minutes later, I was out and changed into a pair of shorts and a loose shirt. I jogged downstairs to go meet aunt Hauwa because I know she is awake.

I walked into the kitchen and there she is, working with her back to me and her house help working along side her.

"Good morning " I greeted hugging her from the back for a brief moment before pulling away.

"Morning" she replied turning to look at me and smiled "You look cheerful"

I furrowed my brows "I do?

She nodded turning to the stove "It's good. It's very good"

"what's for breakfast ? I asked coming around to look at the food she's making.

"Scrambled egg and fries"

"Typical Nigerian breakfast" I teased helping her stir the scrambled eggs

She shook her head "Nigerians make chips. I decided to make fries" she replied with a grin

I turned to her amusingly "Is there a difference?

She laughed "of course there is. Nigerians make chips, Americans make fries. Fries are better than chips"

"Haa! Says the patriotic citizen"

She smiled and raised her hands "I prefer chips"

"I still see no difference" I replied

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