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I opened my eyes and checked the time. It reads 11:15am. Begrudgingly, I made my way out of bed and into the bathroom. Minutes later I was out and heading downstairs to quickly fix something for myself when the aroma of my favourite breakfast hit my nose. It's been days since I perceived it so I quickly rushed to the kitchen and met my aunt making waffles.

"Good morning aunty" I greeted hugging her back

"Morning baby girl, how was your night? She asked as I walked to the kitchen island. I took a seat and watched her arrange the waffles on a plate then grabbed the strawberry sauce and drizzle on it. Next she piped whipping cream in it then topped off with the sliced strawberries.

"It was good"

She placed it before me and kept a cup of hot chocolate next to it. I beamed with joy at the literal example of a perfect breakfast.

"Thank you so much aunty. This really feels like a luxury right now"

She laughed as she fixes a plate for herself "When was the last time you had a proper breakfast"

I paused, thinking, then said "In forever. It hadn't felt the same since you left for that wedding"

She laughed and sat opposite me "Well I am here now"

We finished our breakfast in silence then I took my plate to the kitchen before settling down on the island again. I grabbed my phone and kept one leg up, drawn to my chin.

"Don't you have school? Aunt asked as I heard her grab the rice bin and starts pouring rice into it.

"I have a 2pm class" I replied my eyes glued to my phone

"You're on Instagram?

"Nop, Netflix" I turned the phone to her swiftly

"On your phone?

I shrugged "I am watching a series"

Aunt did an ahhh then sat next to me "What series?

I looked up from my phone "Korean, will you like to watch it?

She scrunched up her face "I prefer Turkish. I heard girls these days are obsessed with Korean dramas and their men"

I laughed and went back to watching my series.

"So" Aunt started then cleared her throat "Your cousins and their mom are coming over"

I kept my phone on the island and looked up, giving her my sole attention "Cousins?

She nodded "cousins"

"Which cousins?

"Aunt murja and her kids. They are coming for a vacation"

I hid the little excitement I felt at that knowing I once had a crush on Aunt murja's eldest son.

"So when are they coming?

"In two days time" 

"All of them? I asked just to be sure

"Yes, all of them. I was surprised they weren't in school but well, ASUU and Sufyan has days off"

I nodded then stood up "I will go get ready for school then" I looked down at my phone "It's past 1pm"

Aunt nodded then grabbed the sugar and the sugar bin before she started to pour into that as well. I pushed in my chair and left the kitchen feeling the one thing I haven't felt in a while... excitement.

Aunt murja is my father's young sister. She was at the hospital when my mom died. She has four children, Sufyan her first child who is 23years, Zahra my age mate, Amal 15years and Amma 13years. They all live in kaduna together with Papa's youngest brother, Uncle Umar who is also my favourite.

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