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"I won" Zahra shouted in my ears and I winced in discomfort

"Yes you win now can you please stop shouting " I replied closing my ears with both hands .

Zahra insisted we play Whot knowing very well I don't know how to play it.

"What's going on here? Uncle asked coming in just as Zahra walked out

"Mind if I sit ? He added pointing to the bed

"No of course not" I replied and shifted so he sit

"Okay " he sat down and look at me" So, how are you?"

"I am good "

"He narrowed his eyes "You're sure?

I bobbed my head up and down

"Sure?? He inquired more

I laughed "Yess. I am fine, really"

He sighed "Okay then. If you insist" He dragged a back from his back "Here, I got two gifts for you when I went out earlier"

"Uncle you gave me gifts when you came days back" I said with disbelief collecting the bag. I peeped inside and saw different bottles of perfumes and packaged clothes which I'm sure are gowns.

I looked up at him with grateful eyes "You remembered I love scents and gowns"

He laughed "I remember everything when it comes to you munchkin"

"And...." He added watching my eye "The second surprise is...."

"Uncle what is this suspense" I frowned and he laughed

"My wedding is fixed to be on the 28th of April "

I gasped "WHAAAAT!!!"

He nodded "Yup"

"Oh my God! ohmyGod! Uncle! You're getting married?

"He nodded again

"Alhamdulillah. I am extremely happy for you. This is the best news I've received in a while"

"Well I knew you'll like it"

"And!! I exclaimed and raised my hands "I am vacating on the 12th of April so I have all the time to help plan and attend the wedding"

"Well that's great because you'll be the head planner"

I grinned "I can't wait. My uncle and a family friend? This is a family wedding"

"And Najwa is your friend right?

I nodded "We're at the best terms with her"

Just then Zahra came back in with samosas, looked at us and asked "What did I miss?

"Uncle is getting married! I exclaimed

"Yup" She sat down next to me "We have been waiting for him to tell you because najwa needs help with planning the asoebi and bridal event"

My uncle stood up and clapped his hands "Well, I'll leave you little girls to it and go take a nap"

"Uncle Umar please" Zahra raised her hand "what little girls again? She added with a pout "Can't you see we are now ladies. Almost eighteen for Allah's sake" she twirled around for emphasis

He stared at her with a bored expression and said "Too bad all I see are bones" then walked out of the room

Zahra gasped and I doubled in with laughter.

"He just body shamed me and you're laughing? What happened to women supporting women?

"He didn't body shame you, family tease each other"

She glared at me and sat back down "Doesn't make a difference"

I stood up and headed to the bathroom "Finish up your samosas and take it out. I hate dirty plates in my room"

"Well imagine if its your house"

I glared at her and walked in.

Ten minutes later, I've gotten ready for bed and snuggled in. Zahra came back, grabbed her pyjamas and walked into the toilet. I grabbed my phone, scrolled through Twitter then said my dua and closed my eyes.

Being a quick sleeper is a huge blessing.


"You guys!!!" Amal and Amma shouted barging into our rooms

We sat upright on our bed looking wide eyed at them

"What's all these? Zahra fired glaring at them

"It is 11:39am" Amma said

I looked at the time then at them "And?

"And we are all going to a picnic including papa. Everyone is ready, we all thought you were ready too"

"What" I shouted "How can we be ready when no one told us anything?

Amal looked at the time again "Well any sane person who slept the time you did should wake up and be ready by now"

"Get out" Zahra shouted as I hurried to the bathroom

"Can you please just get out"

"We are just saying-

"Get out"

I heard their faint voices and smiled then turned on the shower.

More than thirty minutes later, we are coming down the stairs and saw them talking out the baskets.

"What took you so long ? Amal asked

"Yeah good morning to you too"I replied rolling my eyes.

"Good morning everyone " Zahra and I said in unison

"Morning " some chorused while others hit us with the "It's afternoon"

"Let's get going " Mummy clapped her hands and everyone started heading out

I quickly rushed to the fridge, opened it and grabbed an apple then walked out of the house. Immediately I was out, I met my step mother by the door. Our eyes met for a brief moment and I greeted her blandly

"Good morning"

She smiled, a tight uninterested smile and replied "Good morning"

I walked out and heard her close the door harshly. We stood before our cars and papa looked at us

"I'll go with my sisters and my wife. The rest of you find what will bring you"

They all busted out laughing as uncle umar guided the twins to his car. Papa turned to sufyan

"Sufyan, take the other car and bring the girls with you. You can drive can't you?

Sufyan nodded "Yes sir"

"Good. So let's all meet there then"

The driver walked over to papa's car and they all got in. Papa waved at us and their car moved out. I turned and stared at sufyan as he drove the car around and parked in front of us.

My heart was plummeting in my chest as I stood before the car. I don't know what exactly caused the discomfort in my chest. Was it my step mom's sour attitude, my dad public usage of the word "wife" for another woman than my mom? Or the sight of sufyan driving a car with a single hand. Something about that made him crazily attractive and I quickly reminded myself to lower my gaze.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the car. I know I'm being dramatic and perhaps even selfish. Mama B is papa's wife, is only right he addresses her as such. Her attitude has nothing to do with me and even if it does, it's better to ignore her and focus on having a good mind.

After successfully dissecting the situation and assuring myself I've got everything sorted out, I eased into the car as sufyan drove us to the picnic.

Little by little, excitement build up in my chest.

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