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Yusrah's POV

"Grin, grin, griiiiiin! The irritating sound of my alarm made me reluctantly open my eyes. I knew I had class and that I might miss it given that I have set it at 8:00am when class starts at 9:00am yet I still stayed in bed and promised myself some few minutes.

Moments passed of me sleeping before I pried my eyes open and saw the time. 8:30am! I sat upright and rushed out of bed heading straight to the bathroom. It barely took me ten minutes before I was out and another ten minutes to get ready and rush out of the room. I stopped by the fridge, grabbed an apple then hurriedly left to school knowing very well I will be late...again.

"Slept back again? Minal asked knowingly as she glanced between the lecturer and I. I kept shut and brought out my jotter.

"When has the class started? I asked writing the topic and date

"Ten minutes back" Asmau, the new friend we made said from behind me. I turned, smiled and nodded before fixing my attention back on the lecturer.

Forty five minutes later, the class ended and we are walking out.

"So glad this is the only class we have" Asmau said as we head to the parking lot

"Honestly. I crave my room so bad" Minal replied as I agreed nodding my head

"I always stay in my room. So much that the staffs doesn't know if I am home or not"

Minal laughed then looked at me "How is your relationship with your step mom coming through"

I thought back to how at first I had wanted to make our relationship work, then I was neutral and then I became distant. She started exhibiting some attitudes that clearly screamed I wasn't welcome in her life and so without hesitance, I removed her in mine as well. Whenever we meet, I greet her politely and she replies. But she subtly drops hint and does things to show her disinterest in me.

"Good I guess" I tell Minal trying to not indulge further into it

"Still talking once a day? Minal asked and I laughed

"I mean I still try to keep a communication right"

Asmau nodded "Right"

We reached my car and the girls greeted the driver. I bid them goodbye and got into the car before we drove away.

The drive from school to our house is thirty minutes. I have been stalling collecting my driver's licence and finally driving because I don't like the stress that comes with it and I really am enjoying being driven for now.

So I relaxed back as always and watched the streets of Abuja.


I jogged to my room and did my normal routine. I took a bath, prayed and changed into comfortable clothes. I closed the curtains and laid on my bed. Just as I was about to sleep, a heavy knock landed on my door. I pried my eyes open and glared at the door with all the hate and exhaustion I can muster.

"Who's it? I called out and seconds later, the door opened.

I sat upright and stared at my step mom as she walked in and turned the lights on. Behind her are two elderly women who looked eager to see the person in the room as they strain their neck to look at me

"Yusrah" My step mom called out then she looked at the women behind her "This is Alhaji's daughter, Yusrah"

She turned back to me and plastered a smile then said "These are my friends"

"Good evening" I greeted bowing my head a little

"Good evening Yusrah, how are you? One of the women said rudely staring me down

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