~part one~

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You lay in your bed. Asleep and resting happily in your own little world of dreams. In your dream you were on a hill, the tops of trees being the only thing visible for miles and the sun setting behind them. There were other hills and mountains all around you. You were alone but you kind of liked it. You walked to the edge of the hill and take in a deep breath before opening your arms and lean over, falling off the edge and feeling the wind hug you in your fall when you grow wings out of your back and soar into the sky, going around the clouds and playing with birds in the sky without so much as a single care in the world which is just how you liked your dreams.


I stood there staring into my portal and tried deciding on which au I needed to attack next, dream has gotten too comfortable in power and I am the living embodiment of evil and nightmares, it's about damn time he sees that!
I smirk and close the portal, turning around and looking at error who seemed to be in the room with me. "I like it. It's power is definitely filled with that of dreams. It's no wonder he hid it off in the far edges of the multiverse so it would be harder to get to." I told error, he nodded in response.

"It was hard to find really but, when you said you were looking for an au to get rid of for good? Well I couldn't help but find something good. It IS my job to get rid of all shitty Aus anyway. This one was just begging to be killed." He said. His glitched voice was almost hard to follow for most but I've known error long enough to understand him easier than others. 

"I think I'll go take a closer look. It does seem to have SOME bad in it. So I'll have a way in." I informed him and jumped in, apparently this world had just recently had its barrier broken, so I had another sans to worry about. No problem. It's his negativity I'll be coming in from anyway. I chuckle to myself as I form into the world and looked around.  I felt a randomly horrible feeling, the kind of feeling I get while being around my useless brother. After further inspection I was in the middle of a sleeping neighborhood with nearly nothing but happy dreams at every turn. "Disgusting.." I noted and continued my search when I noticed my presence had already effected someone's dream. "Heh. This should be a treat to see" I smirked and followed the dream, peeking into it to see just what it was that I did to it.


My dream was going fine for a while when for some reason everything took a bad turn, the clouds around me suddenly turned dark and lightning filled them quickly, causing me to move away and lower myself below them once again, I landed back on the hill from when my dream started and I looked around, the sky it's self was a dark blood red and the clouds were almost like smoke that stood still in the sky, the birds were falling from the sky, as if just being shot with a hunting rifle but all at the same time. "Just what the hell is going on...?" I sat frozen in fear at the horrifying image when it only got worse as I took a step back and tripped on somthing large and hard, I looked under me to see what caused my fall and it was my roommate and best friends limp body. Soaked in blood and cuts that seemed to have been far past his bones and even his own face seemed to have been hit so many times with a bat it was nothing but mush.  I screamed at the top of my lungs, and like that I was awake, sweating and panting heavily in my bed.

I looked around my room, and let out a heavy sigh, still panting and in a state of almost panic. "Oh my god.." I shook my head, not sure why my dream took such a bad turn but I tired hard to not think about. I climbed out of my bed and walked into the main part of the apartment where it was apparently morning already and Michael was already making him somthing to eat when I saw him, just seeing him alone though put a wave of relief through me.

"Well there you are! I heard you scream but thought you needed a minute alone. You okay?" He asked, concern was all over his face as he finished cooking up a plate of bacon for himself. I nodded and sat at the counter, still baffled with my dream. "Well if you say so...ill make you some good luck bacon just on case~" he winked and laughed to himself, putting another few pieces of bacon on the pan to fry up.

I giggled very softly, finally calming down. "It was a crazy dream I'll tell you that. I don't think I've ever had a dream take such an intense turn before.. It was so nice and beautiful but then it was.. Horrifying!" I said, my eyes instantly looking up at Michael. "You ever have a dream like that?"

"Can't say i have.. But I've definitely heard of it.. I can't remember what causes it but a lot of people recently have been calling me telling me about all they're friends and family having freaky dreams.. It's crazy but people have nightmares all the time so I try not to question it." He shrugged. I guess he was right. Nightmares happen to everyone at some point in time so it's nothing to get so worked up over.

He grabbed a plate and put the newly fried bacon on it, then handed it to me and sat down with his own plate. "Thanks. I guess I should just forget and move on-" I took a bite of bacon and suddenly looked up at him "holy shit Michael this is so good!" I laughed, trying not to chock on the bacon in my mouth which only caused him to laugh as well.

"Thanks, but hurry up and eat so your not late again. I don't want to get another job because you getting fired from ANOTHER ice cream shop. We need to get rent!" He warned me which I should listen to honestly. I've been fired from over six ice cream parlors since I moved here and I promised Id do better. So after I ate I grabbed my Baganda got dressed, then I was on my way down the road to my job and to carry out the rest of my totally normal day.




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