~Part fifteen~

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A month has passed since I started staying at nightmares base..Blue had eventually broke after two weeks of torture and gave up dreams base, he was allowed to go free after I made nightmare promise to do so after getting his information but blue refused, saying he deserved to stay after betraying his friend..

I felt horrible for him. after nightmare found out I wasn't going to run away he let me walk around as I liked as long as a guard was with me, I visited blue everyday to give him food and talk to him, he was my only friend here and even though he was the one in the cell he looked at me like I was the only real prisoner.

but I wasn't even close to it.. nightmare said he didn't even care if I left because he knew I wouldn't. he just wanted a guard by me at all times so I wouldn't mess with anything, or go running to dream.

one day at the base, nightmare tortured blue for more information which didn't work. blue tried so hard not to speak and break again like he did before.. once nightmare got back he let me go see blue, I had learned healing magic since I got there, blue taught me. I helped him after every torture session. its sad that you grow used to saying that. after healing him I went back to what turned into me and nightmares room, he was standing at his desk and ignoring his chair as usual.

"why do you INSIST on hurting him?" I yelled as I slammed the door. "He can't handle it and neither can I! you know where dream is, just go and get it over with.. and leave poor blue alone. your broth-"

"DON'T SAY THAT WORD." he snapped and made a look that felt like daggers being thrown at me. "he is NOT my brother." ouch touchy subject..

"But you are! I saw your suit case you know! you saw me looking in it remember? you even kept your old clothes.. there has to be SOME part of you that doesn't hate who you used to be, or at least not hate him!" I could tell I crossed the line but I have before since I got here, sneaking around, healing prisoners, but he refuses to hurt me after that time when he broke my arm. I knew I'd be fine.

he scoffed and went back to his work, ignoring me which almost felt as painful as him breaking my arm. he always yelled back, bickered with me or even mocked my kindness for others. why was he so quiet? "Unless maybe you miss your old life huh?" I walked up to him and kept talking, he still stayed quiet.

"I mean, maybe there's a way to turn you back right?" silence. "come on really? nothing?" he glanced up at me for a second, his eye was cold and empty. he then looked back down and didn't make a sound which only made me sad..and almost worried.

Its been a week and hes yet to talk to me again, He stopped seeing blue but instead goes out to the city and helps his people wreak the universe.. I knew from hearing them talk, that over half of the population was killed.. and almost all monsters either sided with nightmare, or died. or both, he hated the weaker ones. Soon I broke and yelled at him the second he got home- or, he got to the base.. "JUST TALK TO ME ALREADY! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!" he froze as he entered the room, I threw him off guard for once. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY, INSULT ME, MOCK ME, MAKE FUN OF HAPPY PEOPLE ON THE STREET! IT DOESN'T MATTER!" I could feel very tiny tears forming in the corners of my eyes, It was probably just his aura.. but- him not talking seemed to really hurt me..

"I thought you hated it when I made fun of those happy couples and such." he smirked, he won.. and I didn't even care. "honestly though, stop crying. its sad to watch." he chuckled and walked to his desk, walking straight past me and reading the papers people left for him while he was out.

"You planned this... didn't you.." I managed to say while fighting the lump in the back of my throat.

"oh?" he glanced up, "oh I ah, Might have. you shouldn't have spoken about my brother." he said in a much more cheerful tone than he normally has, I must have put him in a really good mood..- wait a minute. did he just say brother?

"you admit it?" I was confused, he hated dream. "You got so mad when I said he was your family but now you go along with it..?" he shrugged after what I said but didn't speak, I was almost scared he'd start going quiet on me again. "well whatever- it doesn't really matter anyway." I sat on the bed and laid down, he stood at his desk would call a worker or two in every now and then to yell at them, sometimes it still scared me how intense his punishments are for them.. why did I get special treatment?

"(Y/N)" Nightmare turned to me later that night when I was half asleep.


"Tomorrow I'm going to go fight some of my brothers army. I'll be gone for a while, could be anywhere from a day to a month. so before I go- lets go somewhere together.." he sounded nervous, it reminded me of the picture. the shy smile he had oh so long ago.

"Yeah.. I'd like that.." I could the warmth spread to my face, I knew I was blushing which I couldn't understand why. but I was happy. I then fell asleep, and had a happy dream.

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