~Part fourteen~

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So, In case you were wondering, a very very pissed off nightmare does not like surprise visits.. I learned that the hard way.



I opened the door to go yell at that bitch Kenny when I see who else but (Y/N) standing in the door way, I was pissed, I was angry, I WANTED TO SNAP HER NECK LIKE A TWIG AND GO BEAT UP RICHARD FOR KICKS AND GIGGLES. but I couldn't. all I could manage was five simple words. "what. are. you. doing. here?!" I yelled and could hear the echo of my voice travel through the entire valley, I already had dream on my case, my useless workers doing things without my say so and now this, I felt the anger flood through me and grabbed her arm as tightly as I could and demanded her speak.

"I was- I just-" she mumbled which only made me more angry.


"I-I was just walking a-around in the forest looking for flowers a-and found this place.. and th-that guy took me and locked me up! honest!" She was lying. I could not only feel peoples emotions but she was a horrible liar. she was probably sent here by dream. I could feel that he left some of his magic on her, he even blocked me out of her dreams for the past week so I knew for a fact he spoke to her. "B-but since I'm here we need to talk right?" I dragged her to my room, It was just the usual desk, lamp, a few things here or there to stab and of course a bed to sit on and think, I didn't sleep so that's all it was good for. I threw her onto the bed and told her to stay. she nodded and I went to check some papers that were left on my desk.

staying with error in the anti-void between attacks wasn't going to work, he now was attacking most of the countries and villages in the universe while I had things here to do, which mostly involved dream. my papers had normal things, error had updated me that he and dust wiped out all of japan and Rome and one paper said that horror took my people to go do some havoc in another city but he ended up killing my fighters along with the humans and monsters. as usual. but now having (Y/N) here was going to ruin everything. I told her she could leave and stay with me but NOOO that useless bug Michael was her love and she had to stay with him. pathetic.

I turned to look at her and she was crying, whimpering on the bed and holding her arm, I let out an angry sigh and walked over, looking at it and to my surprise it was broken. "y-you broke it..!" she looked at me with absolute fear, like I Terrified her which was normal.. most people did but- (Y/N) doing it didn't sit right.. I moved her hand off of it and set my hand on her arm, her whole arm glowed green while I healed it but soon it was good as new, she was shocked obviously but her fear never faltered. "You'll be fine. Don't sneak around otherwise I won't have to heal you again." I turned and went back to my work, or tried to anyway but she stood up and spoke. "why did y-you..-"

"why did I heal it?" I snapped back, she flinched. "It wasn't my intention to break it, but having you crying wouldn't let me work. now sit down and shut up." she didn't like my answer but was all she was getting.

the rest of the night was hell. yeah she didn't try to leave but when she finally fell asleep she did nothing but cry, of course that was my fault. I couldn't just turn it off. anyone who was around me was overwhelmed with negative emotions. It was mostly sadness and fear, It wasn't very useful for having company over. but I was about to head out to fight dream again so she wouldn't have to suffer too long.. I heard someone knock on the door and walked out, scolding the worker first for almost waking (Y/N) but afterward he told me he found someone VERY useful for our fight.



I woke up to yelling, it was probably nightmare yelling at someone again.. I had nothing but bad dreams since I fell asleep so rest wasn't a good idea, but leaving wasn't either. I came here to stop him from destroying my world but now that I'm here.. I don't really want to. I'm scared of him but yet when he healed my arm.. It was like- He really didn't want to see me hurt. I sat up and looked around, other than the strangely very comfortable bed, he didn't have much in the room, just a desk, a chair he never used and his bed. oh and he had an old suit case that had a tunic in it, along with a yellow staff and a crown. it was his old clothes from the picture dream gave me, I still had it in my pocket for some reason but- Why would he have them if he didn't love anyone in that village, or dream?

He slammed the door open which caused me to jump in surprise and step away from the case, I'm not sure if he saw me looking in it or not but if he did he didn't let on from it. "You have a visitor (Y/N)" he smirked that cold blooded smiled he did when he was happy, I knew this wasn't good.

"who is it...?"

"Just come look. unless you'd rather not, they wished to see you before the, ah, 'questioning' begins." his smile grew and I could tell he meant torture. I followed him through the base and he locked the door behind us as we entered a room with much stronger walls than the rest of the building, it was almost like we entered a giant block of concrete that he dug out into a prison cell. the only thing that was in the room was one single chair in the middle, with blueberry sitting in it, my heart sunk as low as it could I gasped. "why are you...-"

"(Y/N)! I knew I would find you here.." Blue yelled out, a few small tears hung in the corners of his eye sockets. "I looked everywhere..! Why did you come here..?" he sniffled and his sad look turned into a glare I didn't think was possible when he looked at nightmare. "what has he done to you?! Dream knew he wanted to get his hands on you... he must have some sick ideas."

Nightmare only laughed coldly, like blues anger made his day. "oh sweet little berry, my brother wouldn't think its possible but if you survive long enough to leave, you tell him I only wish to save (Y/N) from her world, this is all for her sake I promise you." he spoke and stepped closer to blue, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at him. "in fact. shes going to help me aren't you (Y/N)?" he looked at me, and this time so did blue.

"what..?" blue looked at me in surprise, he barely knew me but he had that look on his face like I had just shattered his heart..

"I would never do that! I swear!" I looked at nightmare who only shrugged and smiled like he knew something I didn't. "blue why are you even here.. You should have stopped looking when you knew I came here.." its sad but true, I came here for a reason and even if blue thought I was weak, I didn't want him getting hurt on my behalf. "please just let him go.." I pleaded to nightmare.

"no." he said, cold and blunt. "he has information I need. If he's your little buddy or not he's one of my longest running enemies and one of dream's closest friends. he knows things no one else will."

I then left, returned to the room and tried to block out the terrified screams of my friend as he was tortured by the one I couldn't even make myself hate.. even after all hes done. I fell asleep after hours of listening and woke just to hear it again.

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