~Part sixteen~

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I was pacing the room for almost an hour, Nightmare had asked me out- well I think he did anyway.. hes going to go fight dream and he said he wanted one last time to see me before he went out to fight.. he wanted me to look nice so he dropped me off at frisks which almost gave the whole house a heart-attack. I explained to frisk that I was alive but, now I was left with their clothes, which thank god fit me but none of them were- I don't know.. nice? I didn't know what we were doing. was I dressing fancy, or casual, was I dressing cute and simple, or graceful and elegant? frisk had the clothes but I didn't know what to do so- I got the thing that fit me best..

It was a nice dress, it was light blue with sleeves and the bottom of the dress only went above my knees but I wore some black leggings with it, and a black jacket to match, and some boots that were dark blue with black button and straps on it. I had my hair up held up in a clip that had some of my freshly curled hair falling out of it. and lastly a bright blue flower next to my ear that pulled it all together. It was a bit fancy but knowing him, the whole. 'PRINCE OF DARKNESS' vibe he likes to go with, we might go somewhere fancy? it was worth a shot anyway..

frisk was came up to my and gasped, "you look beautiful!" they managed to tell me and then kept making sure id be safe, did I have a phone, would I have a way back, was this the last time I'd ever see them again? I didn't know all the answers but I knew that this was indeed the last time I'd ever see frisk.. or any of my friends from there..

after an hour of waiting nightmare showed up, I wasn't the only one who dressed up, he was wearing his black suit that was missing its bowtie but oh well, he normally wore a jacket and shorts so this was super nice to see. he paused and I hoped I wasn't blushing as bad as I thought I was. he cleared his throat at last.

"A bit fancy for the park are we?" he laughed coldly.

"Oh hush, you dressed up in a suit and- wheres your tie?"

"I hate ties." he groaned and rolled his one teal eye "are you ready? I gave you long enough to get dressed." he seemed all rude about it but- for some reason it felt sweet. and rude. he waited three hours!

we left the house and he took us to this empty park where he had dinner set up at a table I swear he stole, it was 5 star at least and was sitting under a tree. there was a candle lit in the center of the table and the white table cloth was swaying in the nightly wind. it was beautiful! we sat down and started eating and of course it was SO awkward at first. This wasn't his normal kind of thing anyway.

"Did you set all of this up?" I finally broke the ice and said before taking a sip of the wine he had set up.

"oh, no of course not. I had my minions set it up. your little friend gave them advice to the perfect dinner so they took what they had." he wasn't too impressed but then again nothing impressed him. nothing easy anyway.

"well its really sweet. I didn't think this was your kind of thing.. you know?" I took a bite of my food, there was tacos originally but neither of us wanted that so he stole steak from the place the table came from.

"eh, This might be the last time I see you for a while so, wanted something special." he paused for awhile, nibbling at his food like he didn't want, or even needed to eat. "I was surprised you even accepted my invite." he ended and just pushed his food away, standing up and leaning against the tree that hung above the table, he looked troubled and overall sad.. I didn't think he could get sad. I got up and walked over to him, I wasn't sure why I said yes, It wasn't like.. I loved him or anything, he was NIGHTMARE for crying out loud. but when he was standing in the moonlight, focused on his own thoughts.. I almost didn't want to look away. "your staring." he said at last and turned his head very slightly to see me.

my face felt hot and I looked away, now looking up at the stars and moonlight. "sorry-" I blurted out and smiled awkwardly, but now he was the one staring. "Why did you- ask me out..?" I looked back. he looked away.

"who knows anymore." he ended the conversation with that and it was silence for a while.

we ended up walking to the woods and when I asked where we were going he never said, I never saw any people but didn't ask. he looked sad though. we kept walking for awhile and soon, we saw a burnt down village that seemed long past empty. the houses had piles of cobble lined up that I knew were the old walls, and burnt, charred wood stood against them all over the place. old ashes and bones were scattered around the area and it was unsettling.. but I knew where we were the second I saw the only, rotted tree stump. that sat alone in the center of the dead town.

"your old village.." I mumbled, walking around the area, amazed it was even here. "why did you-" I spun around to face him and saw him looking down at the stump, his hand sliding across the dead bark and leaving a small trail of goop in its place. this must have been why he was so sad.. we came back to the village. His village.

"Promised myself I'd never come back, didn't need the- useless, reminders of my past." he seemed lighter in the moonlight, usually hes pitch black, the liquid that covered him always stayed that way but now he looked lighter. alot lighter actually. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand, he pulled it back and stepped away almost like I angered him but he didn't do anything other than that.

"then why come back..?" I asked and joined him again, this time he didn't fight it.

"I wasn't alone." he looked at me, his eyes sad, but still cold and harsh. in this lighting, I could actually see his other eye that normally was hidden under a thick layer of goop. It was strange seeing him like this.. like he wasn't just a monster who wanted power.. he was also lonely. that's why he took the apples.

"You don't want to fight your brother tomorrow do you..?" I asked and he shook his head, the years of battling and war left scars, some were deep, and some you couldn't see, but you could tell they were there..like a mental wound that you wear on your front every day.. but no one ever sees.

"then don't fight him!" I took both his hands, I could tell he got really tense, either from me holding his hands, or from my sudden outburst. "He's your brother.. he only wants you to stop, if you did you'd never have to fight him anymore.. Haven't you ever thought about your happiness..?"

he stayed there in shock, then he sighed and looked down at me, the moonlight shining behind him like a spot light.

"I wish I could." he said, for once his voice sounded softer, not as dark or heavy as it normally did. "I started something- I will never be able to un-do. and I can't stop it. I have people looking up to me too but yet.." he stopped.

"but yet what..?"

"but yet when I talk to you, I don't feel them all looking to me for answers, when I talk to you.. Your my princess, in my dark castle." he laughed at himself which yeah it was kinda cheesy but, I leaned in and he leaned in as well, I closed my eyes and all I remember was seeing him as I knew him, kissing him gently and when I pulled back and opened my eyes it was someone entirely knew.. It was a short, pale skeleton with a suit on that looked a tad too big. I gasped but as soon as fast as I could blink my eyes, he was normal again. he opened his eye but I could have sworn..

"what?" he asked. probably thinking I hated his kiss even thought it was amazing, I leaned in and kissed him once more, this time more passionately than the last, and this time when I opened my eyes the small skeleton stayed where he was, unaware what had happened. only that I had kissed him and he had smiled, happily.

we spent the rest of the night, looking at the stars. and being together, hoping that morning would never come.

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