~Part seventeen~

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Nightmare and I ended up staying the night in his old universe, of course we left the dead town and stayed in an empty hotel and got our own beds. (no sin right now bitches!) when we got there he saw what had happened at the park, he was different and he was mad I never told him but was also scared, he had a war to go to and now he was so different! the over whelming of negative emotions brought back the old nightmare I grew to know and I guess love. He was mad and made me promise never to tell a soul what happened, I promised and I went to bed. he instead prepared himself for battle. and in the morning he returned me to his base and even though he looked the same I swear he was different, Like warping to the base took more out of him than it normally did, He called his troops and set out for battle, leaving me, blue, and a hand full of his toughest fighters here. I told him to take them but he insisted they were better off protecting the base, and like that they all vanished.

I let blue out and told him all about the night, other than the whole- turning into your past self thing.. blue didn't agree with it but he was my friend, my only friend in this place other than nightmare himself so he said he was happy I was happy, even if it was only for the night. we then hung out for the day and soon went to bed. without the other people there it was empty and cold and so dead.. It didn't make me feel better about this battle.



Two months passed since the war begun and The long awaited battle comes. I gathered my troops while they didn't want to be there I promised them to fight with me and they'll be fine, I felt like a horrible person lying to them like that.. but this was the biggest fight I'll ever have with my brother. if only he would listen to reason and stop all of this!

we met on the field and instantly I noticed he wasn't the same person I knew, he was evil. and cruel. but that's how I knew him. he had been like this for hundreds of years! and he seemed.. strange. he met me in full armor, just as I was. "brother we don't need to do this.. please.." I pleaded one last time and he scoffed.

"It would be like you to run brother, You will have painful deaths, and mercy will be your dust spreading in the fields." he had to be harsh like that, my dust spreading would be mercy. of course..

We then began the fight, our warriors raged and fought, and I took on my brother with my bow and arrows, I would charge one up almost instantly, charging it full of light and sending it at nightmare, he would dodge easily and disappear only to re-appear behind me with a blunt but very powerful attack, I swung around and slammed the end of my bow into his skull and jumped back, landing on my feet again and sending another few arrows at him, one of them got stuck in his arm, he hissed and used a tentacle to reach out and grab the other arrows, turning them around and shooting them back at me, just as he would he launched himself up and as he landed he would kick me aside, knocking me away and tumbling to the ground. "face it brother. I will win this war, I have someone waiting for me you see." he smiled coldly and I knew he could only be talking about (Y/N). he ran to me and I rolled aside to dodge another attack, kicking his knees under him as I got up and striking him with an arrow in the back. "I'm sorry brother but I can't let you go back.. one of us will die here and it can't be me.." I cried out and tried to charge another arrow to end it when a tentacle came from no where and ripped my bow from my hands, snapping it in half, he whipped around to face me and grabbed me by the neck, he grew taller as his anger intensified.

"You don't have the will, nor do you have the power to end this fight." he wasn't laughing now. I struggled to get his hands off, my hands kept slipping and I couldn't even grab onto anything. I was losing my vision, things going blurry but then I managed to kick him in the ribs one good time and I fell to the ground, gasping for air and trying to catch my breath. "You're wrong.." I choked out, and stood up, using an arrow to stab him in the arm with which made him roar with pain and go to attack me just as I fell over and dodged by pure luck.

"I'm wrong am i?" he stood up and screamed. he stood there, and looked over my helpless body. "what makes you so sure?" his face that once smiled so much was nothing but a scowl of anger, and rage.

"You wouldn't have asked me..." I coughed and managed to sit up, looking at him. "You w-would have just killed me.." I smiled weakly. "y-you've changed brother..." he hated this and knocked me aside.

"I'm- I'm just waiting to finish having fun. I want to enjoy this kill." he yelled but didn't sound very sure of himself. "I will walk away from this fight dream, and you won't." he promised and then the one thing I never expected to happen, happened.. just as he would have killed me.. a portal formed in the middle of the field making everyone stop and stare. "is that yours?!" he looked at me and yelled, I shook my head no. I had no idea who's portal it was..

(Y/N) jumped out of the portal with blue and looked at me and nightmare, she looked worried, and scared. "wh-what are you doing here.. (Y/N)...?" I asked but nightmare seemed nervous, I never saw this side of him. it was like seeing (Y/N) scared worried him..?

"what are you doing here?!" he yelled, trying to sound angry. "I told you to- I said to wait at the base." he forced his tone to quiet as everyone around us began fighting again to get the upper hand. but all that did was make the fight worse. nightmare was angry and worried, I was helpless and here was (Y/N) coming to the war that would end a lot of lives. for probably no reason at all..?

"and I said, your not ready for this fight.. look at you!" she forced him to give her his arm and healed the wound my arrow gave him, while blue came to me and healed me, I thought he died..

"blue!" I cried out and hugged him, he smiled sadly and continued to heal me. "I thought you died..!"

"It's fine.. I'm fine! I had (Y/N) with me.. if it wasn't for her I'd be dead right now.. are you alright though?! you have some nasty wounds.." I could very slowly feel my energy come back to me but it was tiring out blue, I made him stop even if he didn't want to.

"I'm fine blue.. why are you two here..?"

"It was (Y/N) she said something was wrong with nightmare and made me bring her here. after saving my life I couldn't really say no." I glanced at my brother who didn't even fight (Y/N) when she healed him or scolding him for getting himself hurt, as well as hurting me like I was. what was going on with him?

"I almost ended this whole thing!" Nightmare groaned. trying his best to sound angry with her.

"I don't care, You've been gone two months and I thought you died!" she pointed a finger in his face in rage but she was truly worried, I could feel it.

"Two months is short for a war! It could have lasted years, you shouldn't have come! I swear if I have to tell you again that its not saf-" she cut him off! I couldn't believe what I was seeing, she reached up and hugged him tightly, a few tears sliding down her face. and the most unbelievable thing was that... my brother- my evil, cruel brother that fought against me for hundreds of years was hugging a simple human girl..?!

"I- what is going on here..?!" I asked and blue helped me stand up,

"(Y/N) and nightmare went on a date.. the night before the war started." blue whispered in my ear and If it wasn't for the pain I felt in my side, my legs and my back I would have thought I was dreaming.

Nightmare glared at me badly, he could sense my emotions as I could sense his. he probably sensed my reaction, like he didn't want me knowing to begin with.

"(Y/N) go home. now." he warned her.

"but I want to-"

"I SAID GO HOME." he looked down at her and pulled back from their hug, (Y/N) looked scared. "I have a war to finish." just like that she pulled herself away and glared at him, a sudden wave of anger washed over her.

"Did that night mean nothing to you?! everything you said, EVERYTHING YOU DID! just to flush it all down the drain?" she shook her head and laughed, despite being furious. "fine. go. destroy everything. do it. break your own chance at happiness." she turned away and faced the portal. my brother reached out to her but she shook him off. "if you care that little about being happy, then don't bother coming back." she ran through the portal and he ran after her. the fighting ended, everyone was watching.. I turned to blue who sighed and took me home.

our troops went home. and I have no idea what happened to my brother and (Y/N) but after what blue said about his time there...I'm only happy blue made it back alive.

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