~Part Eight~

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Okay so, uhhh hi. Sorry this is so late I've been meaning to get back to this eventually I've just had a lot going on ^w^''

It had been at least two weeks since me and Michael started dating, hes been loving, caring, respectable and I can tell hes much happier now. I kinda feel bad for making him wait so long before telling him I felt the same! Everything seemed to be fine again, the nightmares stopped, I got a raise at my job and I'm finally with the one I really like! what could go wrong?

As usual I started the new day like any other, I slowly rolled out of my bed and got ready for work and stopped by the kitchen to meet up with Michael before I left with a kiss on the cheek. "See you when I get home alright?" I asked, smiling at Michael as he sat at the kitchen counter with his coffee. He nodded and waved me goodbye before I ran out the door to not be late for work. 

Once I got to the ice cream shop I was shocked to see the man sans told me was called nightmare. He sat on a bench right outside the shop like he was waiting for someone.. I hoped it was for someone other then me and tried to walk inside the building without him noticing me and once I got inside I didn't look outside to check. My co-worker Lucy ended up seeing my nervous face and walked up to me. "Hey you good there? You look like you just saw a ghost or something!" She said with a laugh.

"U-uhm.. Yeah I'm good. just a bit tired I guess?" I reached my arm behind me and rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly and forced a smile, although I could tell Lucy didn't buy what I said she sighed and walked off to finish working. speaking of which I need to focus on that now.. I let out a deep breath and started to serve customers like always until the work day ended.

After the work day ended I was tired, hungry, and now I was worried about Nightmare, after sans telling me just how dangerous this guy was I didn't want anything to do with him.. I entered the apartment and walked straight to my room only to collapse on the bed, I was so worked up over everything I forgot to say Hi to Michael or even get changed into my bed clothes before I ended up falling asleep.

My dream started out with me in a small room, it was big enough to walk around in but it wasn't very big at all, kind of like a kids bed room in a cheap house. the walls and floor were pitch black and I could have sworn they were moving or at least something ON them were moving.. "what in the world...?" I choked out, looking around in a panic to find a way out when I heard a splash in the back of the room. when I looked behind it was nightmare, along with a wave of sadness, anger, and fear that came after him that flooded the small room.

"(Y/N) we need to talk." He said bluntly, I wasn't sure what he wanted but I knew it was bad already. 

"what about...? I'm not sure what youd want with me after making it clear I wasn't welcome around you.." I said, pressing myself against the wall farthest from him. 

"well shit changes, get used to it." He took a few steps closer to me, making the what was a somewhat good amount of space between us a now small space which only made me more nervous. "I'm here to take you." He said with a devilish smile.

"wait- your going to what...?!" My eyes widened and I froze, a complete maniac, crazy, killing goop monster named NIGHTMARE, just told me in my dreams that hes going to take me and I couldnt help but start shaking in my place. "what are you talking about..."

"I'm not from your world as you've already been told. I'm going to kill everything in your world and everyone in it other then a few select people to fuel it with negativity. But after seeing your world for what it was I've noticed that you deserve better. come live with me in my castle and survive the death of your world." He ended his statement and I was even more confused and terrified..

"WHAT?! YOUR GOING TO KILL?! MY WORLD?! I-" I stopped, My vision was getting blurry, I was shaking and almost tearing up, my entire set of emotions was now flying all over me and I couldn't even process what was going on. "You're...joking.."

Nightmare sighed and set a hand against the side of his head. "Yes because I'm the type of guy who jokes." He stated and crossed his arms. 

"why me..I- no. WHY MY WORLD?! I have a life here, and a guy that I actually love! I have a brother and a job and a home! why would you want to destroy that..?" I could feel the tears flowing down the sides of my face, my whole body trembling. and as I mentioned My feelings for Michael the entire aura in the room changed from bad to horrible..to the point I couldn't stand anymore due to the pressure and tension in the room getting so intense. I lifted my head and looked up at him only to whisper "why would you even ask me to go along with you anyway..?"

"I see. I guess there are a few things left in this world that hold you back?" he laughed and looked down at me. "in that case I shall leave you to your pathetic dreams. It seems like I have something new to take care of." he snapped his fingers and the whole room began to fade with him along with it. the last thing I could hear before him and the entire room faded into nothing was nightmares voice whispering "Take care. (Y/N), I look forward to our next chat."

after that.. my dream continued with me in an empty field.. the intense shock never woke me up and instead left me a mess even in my dreams.. "just what could he have meant.. 'something new to take care of' hm.." I thought outloud and slowly laid down in the grass.. 

"What Have I gotten into..."


I left (Y/N) in her dreams and entered the anti-void once more to meet error. I wasn't sure what I expected of (Y/N) but after learning she found someone else to- she found love. and people here wont let her come back to the castle with me. I know theres only one thing I have to do. and I'm going to have A LOT OF FUN! 

"dude what are you even doing anymore.. Inviting a HUMAN to your castle?! is something wrong with you or am I talking to the wrong nightmare." Error said with his normally glitched voice. he crossed his arms and closed the portal to the world I recently left. 

"Trust me I know what I'm doing. This way I'll get all the power I need and get to destroy something my brother loves oh so very much. and who knows. maybe it'll be fun?" I chuckled softly and turn to error who I could tell didn't agree with my plans, good for me I don't need his approval for what I do and don't do In the multiverse.

"Plans change error. And things are about to get a lot more exciting!" 

WHAAAAAH ALRIIIIGHT SO THERES A NEW PART XD I'm sorry if it wasnt as good as others or anything but It's been a while since I've worked on ANYTHING writing wise so I might be a bit rusty..

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