🕷️🕸️ party (2)

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He was standing behind me, smiling😯😯

"Hi beautiful." He said giving me a cute lopsided smile.. I think I'm gonna faint.. He really is drool worthy.. He has a striking resemblance to someone I've seen before but the images in my head were blurred... Soft brown pupils, thick lashes, plump lips that were slowly lifting up.. Wait a minute.. Sh!t I'm staring and he knows..😶

"Uhh, are you referring to me?" I asked while narrowing by brows still trying to figure out who he looks like..

"But of course I am🙂.. I'm pretty sure we're gonna be good friends... My name's Bryan though."

OMG, did I just hear him say "we're gonna be good friends."!!! Oh meen.. I think my ear drums are faulty..

"Your eardrums aren't faulty, you heard me loud and clear."

"Sorry.. I didn't know I said that out loud.. Well, I'm Beebee but my friends call me Beez."

"Now that's an odd name, but it's cute. It suits..."

"Beez, I've been looking everywhere for you." A voice cuts Bryan's statement..

"Uhh.. h..hi J..Josh.. it's n..n..nice to s..see y..you too." I stuttered..

"Baby, why are you stuttering? and who are you?" Josh asked while raising his right eyebrow at Bryan

Now I'm stuck in-between two gorgeous guys at a Halloween party but luckily for us, wait not "us" I meant luckily for me the crowd has dispersed and we're left standing and staring at each other.. Josh and Bryan are having a stare down.. It's kinda cute but now it's creeping me out, I've got to stop this.

"Guys, you're creeping me out looking at each other like that.. Here's a suggestion, let's sit down and have a friendly conversation while getting to know each other." I said folding my hands nervously..

"Okay." They said at the same time, startling each other and me too..

"Sooo, J..J..Josh you've uhh kinda met Bryan and B..Bryan you've met him too.. Let's all smile and share a toast to new friendship.."  While grabbing three soda cans and giving them one each, Bryan's hand slightly brushes mine and as cliché as this sounds, I really felt sparks on my skin and butterflies in my tummy💕💕, I'm pretty sure Bryan felt it too and he gives me a shy smile.. Aww... He looks so adorable.. Ugh I'm so confused right now..

"Beez, can I talk to you for a sec?" Josh asked frowning a bit..

"You can say whatever you want right here you know, there's no need to take her away." Bryan answered the question for me..

"No Bryan, please I'll be back in a sec.. please." I tell him quietly.. He nodded his head stiffly and Josh grabbed my hand, practically pulling me out of the house..

"What was that in there?" Josh questions angrily

"W..what do y..you mean Josh?" My teeth chattered and I was visibly shaking due to the cold... He shrugs of his jacket and hands it over to me but I refused.. My stubbornness taking over..

"You're freezing, I'm offering you my jacket and you're refusing!! What is wrong with you Beez?" He shouted angrily... He was really annoyed because I could see the veins on his neck popping out..

"Oh, so that's it... What's wrong with me right? There's no biggie, I'm done with this, I'm out of here, you're behaving as if you're my boyfriend and we all know you're not!!!" I turn around and start stomping in the direction of the door, suddenly I felt arms around my waist.. holding me flush against a slightly muscular frame.. He rested his head on my shoulder, mint fresh fragrance invaded my nostrils...

"Look, I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have shouted at you.. I just got..."

"You just got what?" I turn around and release myself from his grip, tears threatening to spill out..

"I'm sorry, I... Beez wait please!!" I didn't allow him to complete his statement and I started running.. I needed to clear my head..

"Beez wait up!!!" I heard a voice in the distance.. I ignored it and continued to run, the tears flowing freely from my eyes..

"Beautiful! stop!!! Please STOP." Now that voice sounds different.. it isn't Josh's voice..

I refused to stop.. then I tripped and started falling, it was as if everything was happening in a slow motion.. I kept on falling until I saw black spots dotting my vision.. Suddenly everything thing went black..

Hi people😍😍
Hope y'all love the cliffhanger😈

Please don't forget to

Please stay tuned💕💕💕

Loads of love💓💓

Imaginary hugs🎉🎉🎉🎉

Oh yeah, please check out my new story "Blaqq" also on Wattpad💕💕

Beebee🌸✔️Where stories live. Discover now