After Party🌸

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I'm leaving high school in two days!! Two days!! The girls have been freaking out.. We've gone shopping already for our after party and graduation too.

"B..r..rr..rg Br..r...rrg b..rrr..g"
Stupid alarm clock.. I rolled over in bed and it was 7:20am.. Wait... 7:20am!! The graduation ceremony starts by 9:00am and  according to the rules, we should be seated by 8:30am!!!

"Beez open up!!!"

Sh!t sh!t the girls are here. We decided to get ready at my place since it's closer to school. Kay is gonna be so pissed off if she sees what I look like right now.. Before I could open the door, it clicks and voilà Kay steps in fuming.. while May and Daffy are trying to stifle their laughter.

"Beez, what have I told you about ignoring your alarm clock?"

Oh meen.. when she talks like this...

"I uh.. I forgot?"

"Now, slowly step into the bathroom. I'm giving you five minutes to take a bath and come out. Or else..."

Before she could complete her statement, I dashed into the bathroom and locked the door. At that moment they released their laughter and I chuckled while shaking my head.

"Four minutes left young lady!"

Twenty minutes later.. we were set and ready to go🌸 We wore matching gowns. The difference being the colours though. I was in royal blue, Kay was in royal purple, Daffy chose a leaf green dress and May.. well as always.. a baby pink dress😂 Kay's parents gifted us a limousine for the whole day!! Beat that McKinley😏😂😂😂

We met the boys in school and they looked breathtakingly hot😂 Naah.. they look cool😊😉 They wore matching dress pants and fitted shirts in white and maroon.

The ceremony lasted for thirty minutes. The best part was when we threw our caps in the air.. I felt so free.. We were screaming and jumping while the boys laughed at us. Mum was crying.. I couldn't hold mine too so we both ended up in dad's embrace. Kay's parents came over to congratulate me and exchange greetings with my parents. May and Daffy's parents did the same too. Josh's dad handed each of us a little box. When we opened them.. we were screaming again!! Inside the boxes were identical necklaces customized made with the first letter of our names. Bryan's mum gave us tickets to C'est Manifique.. The most expensive beauty salon in Paris and also an all expenses paid trip to.... Paris again😂 I couldn't stop stop grinning. The guys blushed when we tackled them to the floor with hugs😂 

"Today's going well" Dad said with a soft smile on his face while we stepped into our home.

"Uh huh! I'm so excited dad :-)"

"We have two more surprises for you actually Azalea. Come" Dad led me and mum into the garage.

"Oh my God..! It's so :O"

"And it's yours sweetheart, we're proud of you, so proud"

I couldn't believe it.. My own car.. A sleek Maroon coloured Lexus Jeep :-D. I hugged them both and thanked them a zillion times😂

"There's one more surprise though.."

"What is it!!" I couldn't seal my excitement. Mum looked at dad. He kissed her forehead, bent down and kissed her tummy..

"M..mum are gonna have a baby?"

She smiled and dad dabbed the tears from her eyes. I was stunned.. I'm gonna have a baby sister.. or a baby brother.. or better still... Twins...

"OMG! OMG! I'm gonna become a big sister!!!" Dad chuckled while I jumped around like a kid..

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