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  "It's so adorable😍, and fluffy.. meen I'm so gonna get mine.." I coo at a large fluffy white teddy bear.. Bryan picked us up and now we're in the living room, snuggling under blankets and watching a movie "The greatest showman".. Zac Efron is so handsome😍.. Beverly, Bryan's kid sis is such a sweetheart.. She's shy but lively.. She has Strawberry blonde hair, unlike Bryan's brown hair.. She has bright and unusual emerald coloured eyes.. in all, she's beautiful..

"Bee, aren't you tired of Pringles? you've eaten three cans already" Beverly said while chuckling..

"She is obsessed with it Bev, don't mind her" Bryan answered while laughing.. I gave him the finger and immediately dropped my hand down.. I blushed furiously when he winked at me..

"So, when is your mum coming back?" Daffy asks while  annoying Kay.. Kay tried to shrug her off but they both ended up on the floor while we laughed our faces off😂😂

"She'll be back on Monday.." Bev answers..

"Bee, can I see you outside for a minute?" Bryan suddenly asks.. I was stunned for a second but recovered when my friends said..

"Oooo, less talking.. more action guys" they chorused while laughing.. Beverly laughed and nudged me..

"Go on Bee, don't mind them"

I stood up and went to meet him, he was sitting on the pavement outside staring at the sky...

"What's up?" I ask deciding to break the silence...

"Do you love Josh?" He asks startling me because I wasn't expecting that question..

"Can we please not talk about this..."

"No. We must talk about this... I'm falling in love with you Bee... I need to know your relationship with Josh!" He huffs tugging at his hair looking frustrated...

"I... I.. I. need to go" I brush past him and run into the room.. stumbling a few times on the stair case with tears in my eyes... I hear footsteps behind me but refuse to stop and instead fall on the bed... that's when the tears spilled out...

"Bee, what's wrong?" Beverly asks.. When I didn't respond...

"I'm so gonna slap the hell out of that brother of mine... Bryan!!!!!!!" She storms out of the room and I'm left with my friends...

"Bee... Common, talk to us..." Kay says stroking my hair..

"I need to see Josh..."

"What do you mean by that!! have you forgotten what happened to you because of him!!" Daffy exclaims throwing her hands up in the air..

"Daffy, you're overreacting, let her meet Josh.." Maryam says quietly...

"Kay, can you please call him up?" I ask her..

"Yeah... Sure"

While Kay was on the line, I made myself comfortable on the bed..

"Oh alright... No we haven't heard from him in awhile.. Ok thank you.." Kay looks up at me, Daffy and Maryam with a scared expression...

"Josh has been missing for 3 days.. His mum picked up the phone when I called... She sounded tired and sad.. She thought he was with us.."

"What!!! Why on earth would he do something like that..." I exclaim

"I guess it's because of what transpired between you guys.." Maryam answered...

"You must apologize to her.. You just have to, why would you treat a lady that way? Don't you know you've made her remember Josh!!!!"

We all turned back to the loud voice booming downstairs.. I rushed down and saw Beverly pulling Bryan's ear... It looked funny and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.. They both turned towards me and Bryan's eyes lit up instantly... He ran towards me and engulfed me in a large hug..

"I'm so sorry Bee... I'm so sorry... Please forgive me.. I didn't mean for it to happen.. I just..."

"It's alright.. chill.." I instantly reply and return the hug...

"Guys, we need to find Josh considering the fact that he was and is still our friend.." Ma says

"Josh? What's happening guys?" Bryan and Beverly ask at the same time....

"He's missing..." Daffy answers sounding stressed...

" Let's sit and formulate a plan guys" We all sit on the soft rug while Beverly and Kay went into the kitchen and came back with a large bottle of soda and bags of chips...😋

"So what's the first step?" I ask while struggling with a bag of chips with Bryan who childishly refused to release it...

" Has anyone tried calling the..." Beverly's voice was cut short by a loud banging on the door.. We all kept quiet but the banging increased... Sounding louder and scarier than the first... I stood up and moved towards the door... I could hear the other's calling me back but a strange force kept pulling me towards the door... I breathed in deeply and opened the door.....

I hope y'all forgive me... I'm extremely sorry for the "long break"
I'm back now... I hope... Oh yeah you can inbox me on Facebook : Bello Olabisi
Instagram: Labisi Bells
If you wanna chat on WhatsApp... Dm me on Wattpad here with your number🙃

I decided to end with a cliffhanger🙈
Please don't forget to
💕Comment and

Love y'all... See ya tomorrow

Beebee🌸✔️Where stories live. Discover now