Baby Powder🌸

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"Who are you?" I asked, staring at the kid standing in front of me.. He looked cute with dark curly hair, part of it fell over his forehead which enhanced his bright blue eyes.. He looked around Beverly's age..

"A..a young man is lying on the street, he looks weak.. He told me to p..please get"

"Describe him" Came Bryan's voice from behind me..

"H..he's tall, r..really t..tall and has"

"Oh my God, that's Josh!!" Daffy screamed..

I instantly felt sick to the stomach.. I looked back at my friends and saw they all looked worried.. Especially Bryan.. Now that's new😂

"You're silly! How can you joke about that now!"

"Did any of you say something?" I asked

"No we didn't" They chorused..

"But.. I thought I heard something.."

"It must be your mind playing tricks on you Bee.. You need to relax.." Bryan answered..

"Yeah.. It's me... Your mind.."

Now I think I'm officially crazy, I said to myself..

"No you're not, I'm really speaking to you.."

"Guys, I think we need to go get Josh" Daffy said interrupting the little "chat" with my mind

"Alright, so I'll go alone and be back soon" Said Bryan..

"No you won't, we're going with you.. Beverly will you stay behind?" I asked

"No.. I wanna go with you guys"

"No you won't, you're staying behind!" Replied her brother

"Dude, chill.. Let her go with us.. She'll be with me." Karina said..

I turned towards the kid who stood outside,

"What's your name? and where is the guy?"

"My name is Nathan, I left him at Bigs avenue"

"Alright, Bigs avenue is a minute or two drive from here.. Karina and I will take the cars.. Bee, Nathan and Beverly come with me. Daffy, Maryam go with Kay" Bryan said in a slightly raised but deep voice..

We filed out while the butler closed the door.. Entered into the respective cars and zoomed off. I couldn't concentrate during the ride.. I guess Bryan noticed and placed his right hand on my knee. I looked towards him but he was staring ahead, I saw a faint smile on his face and I felt calm..

"There! there! he is" Nathan pointed.. I looked closely and felt dizzy all of a sudden.. There he was, Josh... I could recognize him anywhere.. The black hair and he was putting on his favourite hoodie... Bryan stopped the car and I literally flew out..

"Josh! Josh!! can you hear me? Please open your eyes! look at me.. Please!!!" I screamed while crying and shaking him.. Bryan pulled me up and passed me over to Kay. He checked his pulse and muttered something under his breath.

"He's alive but passed out. We've got to get him to the hospital quickly"

I pulled away from Kay and went towards Bryan..

"Will he be okay?" Bev asked

"Yes baby, he will.. Guys I need you to get into the cars and meet me at the General hospital ASAP"

"Let's go let's go" Kay said

Josh was lifted into Bryan's car while I refused to ride shot gun.. I placed Josh's head on my lap and sobbed.. We got to the hospital in less than ten minutes, Bryan stepped out and with my help carried Josh inside the hospital. Immediately the nurses recognized Bryan (perks of being a rich kid) they apologized for not attending to us on time and quickly got a doctor and Josh was wheeled away.. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.. I slid down the wall and hugged myself.. A shadow loomed over me and when I looked up I saw Bryan.. He gave me a small smile which I didn't react to.. He sighed and sat beside me.. that was when I reacted..

"What the f***! Bryan stand up please... You shouldn't sit on the floor.. You're.."

"I'm what? Tell me Bee.. I'm a rich kid right? I want you to see me as Bryan!! A guy who's in love with you!! A new friend!! Not a snotty rich kid! For Christ's sake Bee!"

I was stunned.. like literally dumbfounded.. His confession shocked me.. I needed to get away from him immediately.. I stood up but he was faster and he blocked my path with a soothingly warm hug.. My brain literally froze but my body melted against his and the tears came back in tenfold..

"I don't regret saying that Bee... I'm madly in love with you... I know this isn't the right time or place to say it but I won't take it back neither will I apologize.." He huffed out... Frustration leaking out of his words.. I couldn't speak instead I pulled him closer and sobbed again.. Footsteps approached us but I refused to look up, thankfully Bryan sensed my reluctance and hugged me closer.. I heard my friends talking but I blocked out their voices.. Finding comfort in baby powder and male cologne scent..

Beebee🌸✔️Where stories live. Discover now