
21 4 0

"Bryan, you need to sleep. There are bags under your eyes.." I said to him. Josh survived but he has been in a coma for three whole days now.. I felt guilty for making Bryan look this way, I felt guilty for the stress written on the faces of the girls, including Bev. She refused to leave my side since the incident..

"Well I'm pretty sure I won't leave you here.. That's unless you're coming with me"

"What! No way.. I have to stay here what if.."

"What if what! What if he wakes up right? What if! What if! I'm sick and tired of hearing that.. He will wake up. I'm sure of that but I don't think it'll be today.. Maybe tomorrow.. You have to take care of yourself.. Imagine, his parents aren't even as bothered as you are!! I'm out of here"

He stood up and stomped outside.. Something propelled me forward and I ran towards him.

"Please don't leave me. Please.." The girls all had to go home because their parents needed them so I was left with Bryan and Bev.

He stiffened, sighed and turned around to hold me flush against his chest. On a normal day I'd blush but the past few days haven't been good at all. My body sagged against his but he supported me and kissed the side of my head. We stayed like that for two minutes until my phone rang.

"Hey mum, what's wrong with.."

"Your dad's home" and the line went dead.

Bryan must have noticed the reaction on my face;

"Talk to me"

"My dad's back Bryan. He's back and he's gonna take me away. I'm gonna have to leave you guys!"

"There's no way on earth I'd allow you to leave me. You're mine!"

I looked at him with shock in my eyes. He sighed and cursed a bit;

"F***, I'm sorry Bee. I shouldn't have said that. You're not some object. I'm sorry. I'm really..."

I stopped his apologies by planting my lips on his own. I hadn't kissed any guy before so I was shocked by my actions.. I guess my brain got tired of thinking. His reaction was expected I guess.. He was stunned for a few seconds before he kissed me back.. He figured out I was clueless, smiled into the kiss and pulled me closer.. I was out of breath when he pulled away reluctantly.

"I..I..I'm sorry. I d..didn't..."

He silenced me with a soft kiss.

"There's no need to apologize, now can we go? You need to freshen up and eat" He whispered against my lips and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah" I sounded breathless and Bryan chuckled

"Are you guys through with the kissy stuff?" A little voice squeaked behind me. I turned around and saw Bev. Her hands covered her face in a really adorable way.

"Awwn, sweetie I'm sorry that happened in your presence. You can open your eyes now"

"Well I'm not" Bryan murmured. I punched him and he groaned.

"Chill woman. Don't go all violent on me"

"Well you shouldn't have said that😏"

Bev demanded a piggy ride while Bryan groaned repeatedly.. The ride to their house was pleasant. We decided to go there first because I didn't feel like going to mine. Bryan held my hands throughout the ride and I felt a whole lot better. We stepped out, he came closer but his little sister was faster. She grabbed my hands;

"Hands to yourself mister! Bee is mine"

"Heyyyy! No fair! She's my friend not yours"

"I ain't bothered mister. Hands to yourself" Bev walked majestically with a smug look on her face towards the door. I couldn't stop myself from giggling and stuck my tongue out at Bryan who looked slightly pissed off but his face held a small smile as he watched us.

I officially apologize for the short chapter but... I'm sick😩🤒
I can't type much...
Hope y'all love this..
Oh yeah....

Guess what?

I love you all😍😍😍😘😘😘😘

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