Of course they are.. But they're ours🌸

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Two weeks later we were sitting round a camp fire behind a five star cabin😋.. You wanna know how we got there?

"Guys I just found out my grandparents have this freakishly awesome cabin about three hours ride from here. We should totally hang out there this weekend"

"I second that.. High school's gonna be over in a month"

"True, besides my parents are outta town so... It'd keep me pumped"

"Every adventure keeps you pumped May😂"

Permissions were granted by the parents and well, here we are on a Friday evening at Kay's grandparents cabin.. It was past 11pm when I suddenly felt sleepy. May had fallen asleep on Kay's laps while Kay's head was on Josh's laps while he dozed off with his back resting on a tree😂 They looked adorable.. Daffy took a picture and hatched an "evil" plan😉 Bryan offered to carry me in while Daffy woke the rest but I refused and trudged in on my own. I found my bedroom and collapsed on the bed, instantly falling asleep... At about midnight, I felt warm hands on my waist. I got a whiff of baby powder but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes..

"And the queen has arrived" I was the last to get up from bed.. as always.. I figured the whiff I got was in a dream though since I woke up alone.

"Kayyy.. I'm starving.. May don't mock me😂 Daffy.. really TV this early morning? Hey Bryan where's Josh?"

"Don't just stand there, come and assist me with breakfast"

"Beez, I didn't mock you.. I'm just being awesome as always"

"Dude, it's TV.. This is the life mehn😎"

"Hey Bee, he's upstairs"

Well, I guess I wasn't the last this morning😅 I jogged upstairs and knocked in Josh's door.

"It's open!"

"Ah.. Beez, welcome to my evil lair how may I assist you with my awesomeness?"

"Dude, why aren't you downstairs?😏"

"Was trying to Skype mum.. I think I'd go with dad though.. She already has a "boyfriend" and I'm not ready to put up with that"

I hugged him from behind and ruffled his hair.

"You know we're all here with you right?"

"Uh huh"

"Good, so whatever decision you make we'd back you up"

He gives me a charming grin and we walk downstairs together.


It's Monday and we're back to school.. The weekend was awesome! We went hiking, swimming, racing each other around the cabin, chilling under the sun... It most definitely was the best weekend ever. Kay said to make it a tradition, that no matter where we are in the future, we'd make time to come back.. in which we all agreed.

"They're so hot!"

"Josh really knows how to look hot with crutches"

"Are they friends now? Bryan's really hot though"

I internally face palmed and looked towards the gossip crew.. Kate McKinley and her minions were drooling over the guys who were talking to each other. Bryan was holding his and Josh's backpacks. Their friendship bloomed everyday and I was beyond proud of them.

"You know Kate, they really are cute but guess what.."

"They're ours"

I looked towards the voice and saw my friends grinning. Kay had an evil smirk on her face while May and Daffy looked less bothered and ignored Kate. Our reactions riled her up because she hates being interrupted and ignored.

"I don't have time for you peasants any way. Get out of my way!"

"Ehem, who are the peasants Miss McKinley?"

We all looked and saw Coach Stanley glaring at Kate with folded arms.

"I uh, Hey Coach.. You look good today"

"Don't give me that crap young lady. Extra ten laps for you and your "minions" during P.E after lunch" 

"But but... I'd get all sweaty and and"

"Twenty laps it is then" Then he winked at me, turned around and went towards the field. Kate groaned, shot me a glare, flipped her hair and spun around stomping towards the cafeteria.

"Now that's what I call a finishing move"

We cracked up at Josh's comment and moved towards the cafeteria too.

We're close to the end of the story guys😥😭 I really don't wanna end this but... Oh well😩

So... Thoughts on this chapter anyone?

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Don't forget the procedures🔙

(Picks up The O'Sullivan Twins, plugs in earpiece and taps on Sunflower🌸)

Beebee🌸✔️Where stories live. Discover now