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One new message from K💜B💙M💖D💚B🖤J💛

Bryan🖤: Who's up for another sleep over?

Josh💛: Sleep over? :-\

May💖: Me! me!

Daffy💚: I'm ^_^

Kay is typing....

Kay💜: I'm definitely up for one!
Yes Josh, like the ones we
had as fifth graders :-P

Josh is typing...

Josh💛: ^_^ Yeah I remember..
Hey.. where's Beez?

May is typing...

May💖: I know she's online =_=
She's busy reading the
chats as always :-P

Me💙: Hey May:-D

Daffy is typing...

Daffy💚: Hey that's a cool rhyme

Me💙: Thank you fair maiden:-)

Kay is typing...

Kay💜: =_=

Bryan🖤: :-D

Josh💛: Kay :-P:-P:-P

Kay💜: ^_^

Me💙: So.... Who's gonna host the
sleep over? :-[

Bryan is typing...

Bryan🖤: ☝️🏻

May💖: Bryan's hosting us :-D

Daffy's typing...

Daffy💚: Are we all okay with

Josh💛: Uh huh:-)

Kay💜: Sure :-D

May💖: Yeah :-)

Me💙: Uh huh ;-)

Daffy💚: It's settled then. Bryan
inform Bev too.

Kay💜: I've missed the little angel

Me💙: Guys... I have a question..

May💖: Go on

Me💙: Are we gonna be friends
forever..? Even when we
become adults..?

Josh💛: Of course sweetheart.
You guys hold a special
place in my heart. I'd
definitely never let go of
you guys. Including
Bryan =_= Even though
he's beyond annoying (^^)

Daffy💚: Ikr ^_^ ;-)

Kay💜: I'd rather not get rid of
you guys (^^) Y'all family

May💖: You guys are the best:-) I
love y'all soo much^_^

Daffy💚: Beez you really are one
hell of a silly kid:-\ I
wouldn't trade you guys
for anything:-)

Kay💜: I'd definitely trade her for
a new novel :-*

Josh💛: :-! :-! :-!

May💖: Kay... =_=

Me💙: :-( :-( :-( :-(

Kay💜: Just kidding, just kidding
;-) ;-) I love you way
too much

Me💙: :-) :-D :-)

Bryan🖤: You guys are making
me cry over here :'( The
love is much mehn :-D
You all mean alot
to me.. Changed my life
in different aspects.
Josh... I'd definitely
wouldn't trade you..
You're my bro.. I know
I'm annoying ;-) but you
love me:-D

Josh💛: ^_^ Yeah Yeah

Me💙: Forever guys?🌸

Kay💜: Forever🌸

May💖: Forever🌸

Daffy💚: Forever🌸

Josh💛: Forever🌸

Bryan🖤: Forever🌸

Who loves this chapter as much as I do?

Decided to turn this chapter into a group chat😂✌️

I love y'all forever too🌸

(Grabs a pack of potato chips, sits cross-legged on the bed and watches siblings play with race cars😂)

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