This Lance ? Part 4

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Type of angst: Langst
Word count: 2160

Come on Keith..
Please notice..
You saw me bleed..
You saw me sweat..
You saw me cry..
Now please do something about it..

Last night was the worst night of his life. He had been in his room crying for over what seemed like an hour. When he finally decided he was going to end it all his lover had just burst into the bathroom and tried to save him.

He couldn't let him help him so he quickly punched him as hard as he could until he passed out. He panted roughly and yelled loudly in the soundproof room covering his face roughly smearing blood and tears over his face.

He can't even kill himself right..
Good job lance..

After cleaning up everything around him he went to the young Asian man that was on the floor of his restroom. He noticed the blood that covered his hands and shorts.

After cleaning his hands he pulled down his shorts leaving him with his boxers. He sighed loudly and took another pair of his own shorts covering the older male. Usually hed be very flustered or even turned on by the fact that his imaginary lover had his shorts on.

Yet even then..

He couldn't feel anything..
He didn't want to feel anything..
He was numb..
He was tired..
He had lost a lot of blood..
And he was pointless..
So what's the point of feeling anyways?

He brought him to his room and covered him all up with the blankets going back to his room. He looked down at the blood that stained the floor of the restroom and began to clean up. If he dies he doesn't want to make a mess too.

He doesn't want to be a burden even after death..

Time skip to now.

Lance tried his best to smile or look normal when the older Asian got to breakfast only to feel his expression grow darker in sadness and failure.

He didn't want to be alive anymore.

Maybe he should try again.. ?
Hey yeah..
Of course he can try again !!

It's so sad that the only motivation he got was to kill himself..

But then again his life is sad so..

It doesn't matter anyways.

" Okay you guys today we have a free day since there hasn't been any signs of the Galra. So you guys go ahead and have fun ! Except for you Lance. You need to go and fix up your horrible shooting. 'Sharpshooter my ass.' I used that right, right Pidge ? "

Pidge nodded in agreement laughing loudly at her comment. Hunk felt a bit guilty but chuckled softly along with them. Shiro and Coran weren't even paying attention only paying attention to the plans they were making.

But Keith..

Keith looked at lance as she said this and his heart crumpled up like a piece of paper. Lances head was down and he shivered a bit almost like if he was trying to hold back something. He could hear the soft breaths of the other as he got up and faced Allura trying to keep his chin up.

" Yes ma'am. "

He slowly left the room and went into the training room. He took his bayard from the wall they were resting on and let out a harsh but frustrated yell.

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