shit just got real

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oof im back from the dead after two fucking years lmao

tbh i dont rly have an excuse. ive been kinda dead on wattpad for literally two years. rn im just trying to get through my college apps bc im a senior this year and i also wanna try an complete all my unfinished books on here bc id feel like an ass if i didnt.

so now enjoy this draft that i literally wrote two years ago and never published!

Frank looked behind me in shock. I tried to turn around to see the danger, but only then did I realize that I couldn't move my neck, let along any of my body parts.

I was paralyzed. 

I tried to call out to Frank, but the only sound that came out of my throat was a strangled gasp from my half opened mouth.

Frank took my face into his hands and looked down at me in horror. "Gee? Gee?! GEE!" He shook my face, but still no feeling came back into it. All I could do was look up at him with half lidded eyes, the only thing I still had control over were my eyelids. 

The look of horror on Frank's face contorted into anger. He looked into the backseat behind me. 

"What the fuck Bert?!" Frank spat at this so called 'Bert' who I'm pretty sure drugged me. "What's your fucking problem?!"

"My problem is you being a dumb piece of shit!" the same hoarse voice yelled out from behind me. "Who the fuck hooks up with the enemy? Someone 'ought to teach you a lesson. 

Frank's face fell. Then the passenger side door flew open and a large hand gripped my red strands of hair tightly. 

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM!" Frank screamed and leapt outside. 

I couldn't turn my head around to see what was going on, but judging from the grunts of pain, Frank wasn't going to win this fight. Well assuming that I'm hearing correctly, I was starting to go light headed from all the drinks I had. 

"Calm down Frankie," Bert laughed. 

"You're too drunk to fight us anyway," a new deep voice taunted.

Suddenly a hand gripped my hair again and dragged me out of the car. The hand then wrapped itself around my throat and slammed me against the car, forcing me to look into the glazed eyes of 'Bert'.

"So you're Party Poison, huh?" Bert chuckled. "I was expecting someone a little less... dainty."

I could only choke out a gag when a familiar voice yelled from behind him.

"Let him go asshole!" Mikey yelled from a distance, and with my limited hearing I heard Pete swearing from right on his heals. 

Bert growled and threw me into the backseat of the car. My head landed on Frank's lap. He looked at me shamefully when I realized his lip was bleeding and he had a black eye. 

"Don't fucking move!" Pete yelled from outside.

"You'll have to catch us first kid." 

Gunshots sounded outside followed by Mikey screaming, "PETE!"

Bert jumped into the passenger seat just as I felt the car start to move. "Good luck saving your boyfriend Kobra Kid!"

Frank started whispering apologies to me while stroking my hair when I felt something land on my stomach. 

"Tie him up," Bert commanded.

I looked into Frank's eyes, pleading him not to, but he just shook his head, took the duct tape and started taping my wrists and my mouth.

He took a blindfold, before he put it over my eyes he whispered, "Trust me, okay?"

I faded in and out of consciousness before the car finally came to a stop. I heard the door next to me open. 

"You ready to finally help us Iero?" Bert growled. 

"Yeah, whatever." Frank pushed my head off his lap and started pulling my limp body out of the car.

He didn't get very far because I felt him stumble drunkenly before I heard a sigh.

"You know what nevermind. Bert, take Frank to the boss. I'll bring Party Poison in," an unfamiliar voice commanded. Then I was yanked out by the collar of my jacket and was dangling in the air. Whoever this was they were freakishly tall. Wait.

A muffled shout escaped the tape on my mouth.

"It took you this long to figure out who I was, tragic," Dallon snickered while dragging my body towards whatever kind of murder house they're going to kill me in. 

not that anyone cares but heres whats been happening in the two years i was gone lol:

the new boyfriend that i mentioned a couple of chapters ago just dumped me like three months ago after dating me for a year so that was fun. he was one of the major reasons for my absence bc he's very high maintenance 

tbh i just didnt need to feel the need to read or write fanfic anymore bc i felt like i finally felt like i had a life cuz i had new pretty lit friends and my bf. when i came to wattpad back in like 2014 or something it was bc i felt pretty lonely so i threw myself into obsessing over fandoms and shit bc then at least i had something fun to fill up all my spare time with. 

i think my reasoning for coming back after such a long time is that i now find myself in the same place i was in all those years ago as i just got dumped and all of my close friends seem to have dumped me too haha... so im coping by running back into the sweet release of the fandom world again!

obviously im not really as into all the same fandoms i was into two years ago, but i can still appreciate them. like idk if im as obsessed with all the "emo" bands and youtuber fandoms as before but i dont rly mind continuing my fanfics. who knows maybe ill get back into them!

In the Middle of A Gunfight // Ferard Gang AUWhere stories live. Discover now