|Shot 40| • Make Me II • |Jyatt|

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For Outcast_Lieberher and bubblyjaeden ♥♥ ~Jae👑


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Oh my God, Jaeden is kissing me, and I'm kissing right back. We couldn't stop. Our lips moved in perfect, passionate sync and his lips were soft and sweet. We were laying on the couch as his hands roamed my curls and I ran my hands up and down his sides.

He carelessly threw his homework on the floor along with mine and our pencils and continued kissing me.

"What happened to doing homework" I mumbled against his lips.

"Mmm" he moaned. "I thought *kiss* we agreed *kiss* that *kiss* this was *kiss* much *kiss* better *kiss*"

"I like the way you think, Jae" I chortled, and kissed him hard.

He kissed back harder.


I couldn't believe it. Wyatt was kissing me, and I was kissing right back. I was joking around at first, but oh my God my best friend and hardcore crush had his lips moving passionately against mine, and I was kissing right back with the same fire.

My fingers roamed his golden-brown curls that I loved as his gentle hands ran up and down my sides tenderly like waves in the ocean. He slipped his hands up my shirt a moment later and felt my chest. I tugged at his shirt, both of us hinting to each other to take our shirts off.

I tugged at his shirt and he slipped it off before pulling mine off and throwing them both aimlessly to the floor. He attached his lips to my neck, searching for my sweet spot. I let out a sudden moan once he found it.

"Ahhh! Right there, Wy" I moaned breathily.

He smiled triumphantly against my tender skin and sucked just below my jawline, sending shivers of arousal down my spine. His soft, moist lips on my naked skin felt so good.

He left little purple bruises on my neck, claiming me as his as he trailed his lips down my neck and to my chest.

"Mmm, you missed a spot, Wy" I smiled, and he lifted his head with a smirk resting on his perfect lips.

"Where?" he played along.

"Here" I said, and connected our lips.

The taste of his lips drove me for more, and I pulled him closer as he laid on top of me and kissed me hard. At one point, he drove his hips down hard on top of mine as boners grew in our pants.

"MMMF!" I moaned in his mouth.

"A-Are you okay?" he pulled away.

"That felt good, Wy. Please, do it again"

He obliged, and ground his hips hard down on mine, causing our boners to rub together. The friction between our legs felt incredible.

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