|Shot 44| • Arcade • |Stenbrough|

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"So w-what do you g-guys wanna do t-t-today?" I queried the three Losers in front of me.

"Ooh ooh! Let's go to the arcade?"

"That's how you want to spend the day?" Stan asked unimpressed.

"Yeah, why not? C'mon, we always go to the Quarry or wherever Bill wants to go. But the arcade is fun!" Richie insisted.

"F-Fine by me. How ab-bout you, Eddie?"

"Sure" he shrugged.

"Stan?" I turned to him.

"Ugh, fine" he caved in.

"Yes! Pip pip and tally ho, my good fellows! I do believe good gaming sessions await us!"

"Beep beep, Richie" Eddie chortled, but Stan rolled his eyes and smiled as I smirked at him.


Once we got to the arcade, Richie took Eddie's hand and they ran off to their favourite game. They laughed as they battled each other, but I could tell Stan was unamused as he sat in the corner reading a book.

I sat next to him.

"Hey, Stan" I smiled.

"Hey, Bill" he smiled back, flashing his dimples.

I glanced at the book he was reading and couldn't help but to chuckle warmly.

"Not really into this, huh?" I asked gently.

"No, not really" he scoffed, but smiled at me all the same.

I glanced at Richie and Eddie who were invested in their game and chuckling as they battled each other. I smirked at Stan and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, I know a g-game that you w-would like"

"I doubt it," he chuckled, "but alright"

My smile widened and I led him to a game that had birds in it. The object was to defeat demon-like creatures while saving birds to eventually defeat the demon king and save the bird king.

(Kind of like Croc if anyone has played it, it's so good)

I explained the rules and he got the jist of it before I inserted the quarter and stood with him.

"We'll puh-play together first, i-if that's okay"

"Oh, y-yeah" he blushed, and reached for the controls.

I did too unconsciously and our hands landed on top of each other's. We quickly faced each other with crimson cheeks but before either of us could say anything, we heard Eddie and Richie raise their voices.

"Woohoo! I win, Spaghetti man!" Richie whooped.

"What do you mean, you won?!" Eddie protested.

"Did you not see my combo move?" Richie scoffed.

"Combo move?! No, didn't you see my moves? Come on, it was perfect!"

"Oh yeah right, my moves were way better!"

Stan and I rolled our eyes at their banter.

"They should just kiss and makeup" Stan joked.

"Yeah" I scoffed, and he laughed with me.

I just realized then that our hands were still on top of each other's but neither of us moved.

"Ahem, anyway," I cleared my throat, "sh-shall we puh-play together?"

"Sure" he smirked, and I started the game.


Richie and Eddie had stopped arguing and turned to making out. Stan and I groaned, but continued playing. I let him beat me, and in his excitement, he kissed my cheek.

I was a bit taken aback, but I loved it. It probably didn't mean much to him, but it did to me, and I wanted more.

"I-I'm sorry, Bill" he blushed, and turned away from me.

"I-It's okay, Stan" I smiled comfortingly. "But you sh-should aim a little l-lower" I suggested seductively, and stared at his lips.

"What? Where?" he asked nervously, but seductively, and stared at my lips.

"Here" I said, and brushed my lips against his.

His breath hitched, but he melted into the kiss. His hands moved to the back of my neck as my hands found their way to his waist and held him.

"I think...we should play together more often" he pulled away breathless.

"I like the way you think, Stanny" I chuckled, and he kissed my lips.

"Hey are you guys ready to go?" Richie's voice pierced the moment.

We flew apart from each other's lips but still stood close together.

"U-Uhm, yeah" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Uh, are you two oka-"

I think Eddie caught on to Stan and I so he grabbed Richie's hand and pulled him away.

"Come on, Rich! One more game" he smiled, and Richie chuckled as he followed Eddie and forgot us.

"That was close" Stan laughed dryly.

I smiled as I turned to him.

"I love you, Stan" I said casually.

"W-What?" he replied sounding shocked.

"I'm serious. I love you" I confessed.

"I love you too" he grinned warmly, flashing his perfect dimples like he couldn't contain his joy, and neither could I.

I smashed our lips together. He kissed back immediately and we laughed jovially into each other's mouths as we kissed passionately.

"Come on" we pulled away moments later. "Let's d-ditch em"

"Sounds good to me" he chuckled breathlessly.

I grabbed his hand and he intertwined our fingers as we ran out of the arcade together.

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I'm out of ideas ~Jae👑

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