Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Someone who I never wanted to hurt. You know who you are camp buddy!

Shawn watched as people started filing out of the room around 6:30 for supper but he stayed behind. "Shawn, what are you still doing here?" Savannah asked, seeing him come through the door his hands in his pockets. "I really don't want to see you if we want to be truthful," Savannah said, running his hand through her brown hair that was a mess. 

"You weren't a game S," Shawn said, taking the seat next to her. "I didn't know what to say with my girlfriend standing next to me," Shawn told her, Savannah looked down and looked up at him again. 

"If I wasn't a game, why did you just...ignore me after school started? Act like I was nothing after. If I wasn't a game then you wouldn't have acted like that," Savannah snapped. "But I don't blame you, I was a easy target and truthfully, I'd play me too. But next time, don't go and start dating the best friend," Savannah told him, she wasn't about to let him get the best of her once again because everytime sometime went down between them he broke her and she forgave him.

"I didn't play you. I fell in love with you, but sometimes you just," Shawn couldn't finish his sentence while looking at the nearly broken Savannah. The one girl he thought could survive anything was officially, broken. 

"Sometimes you're stuck being the girl that can't let go because that one person gave you so much," Savannah said before laughing something off. "Sometimes you let go even because the other person fell out of love with you and that's what I'm doing. I'm letting go of you, the one person I thought would never break my heart," Savannah whispered, just so only he could hear. 

"Savannah, I'm so sorry," He whispered back, he could practically feel his own heart break seeing the sadness and pain in her eyes.

"Don't apologize for what you feel. I'm not, I'm not apologizing for what I feel? I'm not sorry that I'm hurt, but I am sorry for making your girlfriend feel like shit, because she doesn't deserve that but I didn't deserve this," Savannah told him before taking his hand in hers. "But remember this, whenever you feel like you and Jess are having to bad of a time, Jessie stuck by you when she losing me, When she lost me, " Savannah said, gave his hand a squeeze before pulling back.

"I really wish I didn't do this to you," Shawn said, brushing the hair out of her face. Savannah turned her face away from him. 

"You don't get to do that anymore. Good luck," Savannah told him, Shawn understood what that meant and for some reason it hurt. A lot more then expected, he knew she wasn't going to fight for him because Savannah knew that if a guy wanted you, you shouldn't have to fight to get him. "You don't have to worry about me fucking up your relationship anymore. I'm done," Savannah said and closed her eyes. "I'm tired now," She whispered, he got the hint and left.

He texted Cameron to come pick him up and went outside. He felt so empty after that conversation, it was like a part of him was missing. It wasn't suppose to be like this, Savannah letting him go was suppose to be a good thing but it didn't feel like it. It felt like he was signing a contract for the rest of his life because she told him good luck. "When did things get so screwed up?" He asked, sliding down against the brick wall. He sat there staring at nothing until Cameron came and pulled him to his feet.

"What happened?" He asked, Shawn just shook his head and got in the van. The ride back to the house was quiet, not an awkward quiet but an quiet that said everything. Shawn didn't have to say anything becausse his silence told him everything, 

"I don't understand how I feel right now, I should be thrilled that she said that she was done with me but I feel...lost," Shawn said, his head in his hands. "She's not the girl I thought she was, I knew she could be a bitch but giving up on her best friend is something else," Shawn spoke, he knew he was speaking but he wasn't talking to Cameron.He was just venting.

"Maybe you made the wrong decision. You know, dating Jessie," Cameron said, trying to make him see what was in front of him. "But it's your life," Cameron added after a moment. He was super pissed that he strung her along for so long and broke her heart in seconds.

"I don't need everyone whispering in my ear telling my I made the wrong choice," Shawn yelled, he apologized after a moment of silence. "I just...I don't know what I want anymore. Yes I know that me and Savannah made sense but me and Jessie, we actually made it to the dating part, y'know?" 

"Yeah, I mean, I'm following Meranda around hoping she'll give me the time of day. I'm the Savannah in the relationship," Cameron said, laughing it off. "But my heart ain't getting broken because she didn't choose my best friend," Cameron said, trying his best to make it clear that he would never do that to a girl and he shouldn't do it again.

"I think...I think I'm going to break it off with Jessie. I need time to think, and with her lerking over my shoulder pushing my to make my decision isn't going to help anyone," Shawn said, finally decided he needed to make a choice. He wasn't going to rush it, but he was going to take time before breaking a heart because he had done that too much lately. 

When he arrived back at the house, he went to his room to see Jessie sitting on the window ledge that wasn't as wide as Savannah's but still wide enough to be considered a window seat. "Jessie, we need to talk," Shawn whispered, Jessie nodded and walked over to him.

"You're breaking up with me. I know, and I understand. Savannah is very persuasive, I mean she got me to steal this 350 dollar sunglasses last year, I didn't get caught but still," Jessie said, Shawn took her hands and sat her down.

"I'm not going to deny it, I am breaking up with you but not because Savannah won. I need to take sometime for myself, to figure out what I want. But with a, girlfriend, it'll be a little hard," Shawn told her. Jessie seemed to understand but that didn't stop a tear from falling. "I'm not worth it, I shouldn't be the reason you and Savannah stop being friends. If you two stop being friends it should be because you two girls don't want to be," Shawn explained, then turned to look at the time. "Cameron will drive you home in the morning," He told her before walking out and downstairs. 

Shawn felt bad for doing what he just did but he needed to do it, he grabbed the 26ozer that was in the fridge and went to the roof where him and Savannah spent the night to last summer...where they went went to a place that they both would remember for the rest of there lives. 

He sat on the roof drinking and thinking until his brain got fuzzy. He passed out there, the same spot him and Savannah had lost there viginity to each other, and it pained him to think he really hurt her.

The one person her never wanted to hurt. 


Hey! That makes it 3 chapters in 1 day? How great am i? haha. Vote? Comment? Follow I'll follow you back no matter who you are!



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