Cold as Steel

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"Could Yuri Katsuki please report to the headmaster's office!"

The whole room turned and all eyes were fixed on me. I didn't know what to do, the maths teacher was right in the middle of explaining something and I didn't really want to miss what she was doing; if I didn't understand it now there was absolutely no chance of me getting it later with no teacher to explain it to me.

"Yuri? Are you going?" The teacher queried, peering over the top of her small round glasses and momentarily pausing the explanation.

"Yeah..." I replied awkwardly, the tension in the room was at its peak and bending over to retrieve my bag from the floor became the most unnerving thing in the world. I wished everyone would just stop staring, I was self-conscious enough as it was.

"Hey, can I get your notes later?"

Phichit gave me a slight nod before I stood up completely, feeling like an animal at a show as I walked down the aisle in the middle of the room, everyone gawking at me as though I was the most interesting thing in the world.

I most definitely was not, but I may have been at that moment, in that room; the maths teacher for certain would not be winning any awards for being even slightly interesting. If I had a penny for everytime someone had fallen asleep in that lesson... let's just say I wouldn't be feeling the need to do so well at school...

The door clicked closed behind me and I could finally breathe, though, I couldn't help but wonder what the headmaster wanted to see me about? I'd been at school for a couple of weeks by this point, no one knew about what had happened between me and Victor. I hadn't told anyone and I assume he hadn't either so the chances of it having anything to do with that are fairly minuscule. We had had no contact other than in lessons and I had done as he said, deleting his number. 

However, I still had my reservations and the thought still played on my mind as I made my way towards the office. I didn't have a clue what else it could be about if not about Victor.

I knocked twice on the wooden door, letting the strangely satisfying sounds echo throughout the empty hallway before I heard a voice come from within, taking that as my cue to enter.

"Yuri, take a seat," he said, directing me towards an empty chair opposite him.

All my years at this school and I had not once set foot in this office before, almost unbelievable isn't it?

The smell of incense wafted around the room as I moved across the place taking the seat in front of his mahogany desk. 

"It's nothing to be worried about I just have a matter I need to discuss with you." He stated bluntly as he leant back in his chair and pressing his hands together as you might see a villain do in a cheesy movie, "It's about Mr Nikiforov," Oh god, here it comes...

"Yes..." I inquired trying to get him to the point as quickly as possible, the anxiety was killing me.

"Why does he want to get rid of you?" He asked suddenly, tapping a biro against his mouth as he raised his eyebrows.


"He wants to transfer you to another class." He added, maintaining his cold demeanour.

"If he wants me transferred then I guess that's that...right?"

"It's not his decision to make, its mine and since he has given me no clear reason as to why he wants you gone, I'm going to leave it up to you." He stated very matter of factly, leaning forwards to lean on his desk and causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

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