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I felt a small nudge on my shoulder and allowed my eyes to flicker a little, only deciding I was too tired and wanted to go back to sleep. So I stood my ground, rolling over and ignoring the persistent prodding in the hopes that it might give up and go away.

"Yuri?" Another echo came, along with another prod to the arm.

"Mmmm" I groaned, twisting my head around again. But it seemed that with every move I made the voice would become more and more impatient and no matter what I did the prodding continued. So eventually I allowed my eyes to flutter open, the first thing coming into view being the soft red leather I was sitting on.

"So he lives," I heard a voice and craned my neck to see Chris standing in front of me and Phichit on the chair next to me, asleep. "Victor just texted me, he's outside."

I looked dumbly at Chris, the tiredness still dominating as he shook his head holding out my phone for me to take.

"Come on, let's get you home," he said as he took my hand, pulling me up out of the chair and leading my fatigued self out if the dimmed room of the club.

Within a minute we were no longer in the warmth of the building and I mumbled Chris a small 'thank you' as we stepped further out of the street. And there, standing in front of me was quite possibly the only person who could snap me out of my tired daze.

Chris steadily led me over to where Victor was leaning against his blue convertible and I eagerly released his arm in favour of pulling Victor into a tight hug, resting my head in the crook of his neck and taking in his sweet scent.

"Hey," Victor cooed, gently running a hand through my hair as the other wrapped itself around my waist, holding me close.

"You smell nice," I mumbled, snuggling further into his frame as he took one of his hands from me, mouthing a thank you to Chris as he opened the door to his car. I got in without hesitation and Victor wasted no time in leaning in through the door himself, swiftly grabbing the seatbelt buckle and strapping it over me as if I were an infant child, incapable of doing it by myself.

My head turned to look out the window just in time to see the last of Chris' heel disappear behind the alleyway door and Victor's ass as he turned away from me, pushing the door closed and walking around to his side.

"So where are we going?" I asked, excited by the prospect of possibly going somewhere fun.

"I'm taking you home," Victor answered, nonchalantly reaching to do up his own seatbelt before turning back to the steering wheel and looking behind him as he pulled out of the space.

"What if I don't want to go home?" I argued, crossing my arms and Victor shook his head chuckling to himself as we started down the road.

"I'm taking you home."

"Your home?" I questioned innocently and he looked over at me, the same look as I had seen so many times. But I had never questioned it before, I'm not even entirely sure I knew what it meant. But I had seen it the night I met him, I'd seen it, albeit briefly, just before he closed the classroom door in my face, I'd seen it two nights ago just after he'd told me to stop because 'he'd regret this'. I wanted to know.

"No, if I did and your mother found out everything would be ruined."

"She won't find out. She thought I went to bed hours ago, and on Thursdays she has to leave early for work."

His eyes once again quickly flicked between the road and me, his eyebrows scrunched as a loud sigh escaped his lips. He didn't say anything, but at the first chance he got he did a U-turn, swinging the car around until we were heading back the way we came. And I smirked knowing that I had got my way.

The Morning After [Victuri] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now