{Chapter 8}

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Y/n's POV~
I walked out the door and saw BTS and I looked down,  I didn't want to see them

I walked past them but I was stopped and I turned around and saw Jin

"What do you want?!" I questioned angrily

"I want to say sorry" I answered and I laughed

"You don't say sorry to me, say it to Arron and I'll forgive you"I said in a sassy voice and walked off

30 minutes later~

Class finished and I walked out the door to see them again. Again I ignore them kepped walking. Suprisingly Jin didn't stop me to talk about something I don't care about

I went to my locker and took out the books I need and because I had 5 more minutes before I'll go to class I decided to go to the roof top


I open the door to the roof top and I went to the railing and looked down

I was amazed in how beautiful it looked. As the wind flow through my hair I felt happy away from the problems in life, away from Jin and BTS

As I stayed there I felt weird. It felt like my demonself I coming out. I  tried to find my necklace that kepped my inner demon away but nothing

"Shot! Where is it!? I had it before!!" I cursed still searching

"Forget it!" I gave up and took out my emergency holy water even if it would hurt it gave me enough time to try to find it before I pass out

I drank it and started to feel pain I ignored the best I could and took my bag and ran to find it

The pain in my stomach got more painful and painful but I had to pass through it

I walked through the halls and saw Jin with my necklace and I smiled in relief

"Jin! That's my necklace!" I screamed and he looked at me. I ran to him but than I could hold it in anymore and passed out

Jin's POV~
I was holding a necklace than I heard someone screamed "Jin! That's my necklace" I looked at the direction of the scream and saw Y/n she was running towards me but than fell

I ran towards her and looked at het face, she was very pail and I picked her up and ran straight to the clinic

I opened the door quickly and the nurse looked at Y/n and took her away from my arms and she started to do things like check her heart beat

"Call an ambulance" she said and I noded and took out my phone and call them
Y/n's POV~
I woke up in an unfamiliar room I looked around and realized I was in the hospital than the door opened and I saw Mayri and she had tiers in her eyes and she ran up to me and hugged me

"Why would you take off your necklace pabo!" She screamed right in my ear

"I didn't, it fell from my neck maybe when I help Arron" I answered

"Oh! Is that so?okay than" she said with an assuring smile than I realized my necklace still wasn't on my neck

"W-where's ly necklace!?" She questioned worried and she laughed

"Here" She took out my necklace and put it on me

"Jin gave me it, he said you lost it" she said and I was suprised. Does that mean he cares for me?. I thought to myself

"Tell him I said thank you" I said and she noded and stud up

"You'll go back tomorrow okay, Get some rest" she than kissed my forehead

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