{Chapter 29}

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Y/n's POV~
I woke up in an unfamiliar room with Arron full of bruises from head to his arms.

He looked like he was beaten up to the point he almost died. I tried to escape but the ropes where to strong.

The door opens and I saw that boy again. "Goodmorning cupcake" he greeted me with a smile but I just looked at him.

"You didn't answer my question... who are you?" I questioned him.

"I'm Kim SeokJung. Jin's brother" he said and I gasped.

"Why are you doing this? Where's the crown?!" I shouted.

"Aish! I brought them back and handed my mother and father a quarter of the money" he answered.

"Then why are you doing this?" I questioned and he walked up to me and said "cause of you" and pecked on my cheek.

"Why me?" I questioned him and he stroked my hair.

"Cause I chose you" he said and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked and really confused. He pulled away with a smirk and left the room.

"Y/n..." I heard Arron talked I immediately looked at him. "I'm s-sorry..." he apologized.

"Wae?" I questioned him. Tears started to drop from his eyes and sobs started to fill the dark room.

"I d-did this n-not b-because i'm a p-pyscho like S-SeokJung. It's b-because he t-threatened to kill m-my sister and m-mother if I d-didn't h-help him..." he stuttered. "I'm sorry for b-bring you into t-this Y/n-. p-please forgive me" he begged.

"I will... I forgive you" I forgave him and he smiled.

"T-Thank you Y-Y/n" he thank me and then the door opened again.

"Oh! Arron! Your awake!" SeokJung said smirking at him "too bad you need to be beaten up cause you keep on talking to Y/n" he said kick him in the stomach making Arron groan in pain.

"SeokJung! Please stop!!" I begged him to stop and he looked at me.

"Why should I?" He questioned and punched Arron in the stomach.

"He did nothing wrong!!!" I shouted and he laughed.

"He did nothing wrong? Ha! He didn't obey me to no talk to you" he said punching Arron in the face.

"Please... I begged you... stop" I begged him again and he walked up to me.

"I like it when you beg to me cupcake" he whispered to my ear and punched Arron again.

"Stop!!!" I yelled at him.

"I have nothing to do so I like beating up people if I can" he said with a smirk.

"Beat me up not him!!" I shouted and Arron looked at me. SeokJung smirked and kick me in the stomach then punched me in the face. It hurt but I held in my screams even if I started to cry. Me and Mayri wasn't like other demons cause we have human blood. Our bruises heal like humans. We're just a bit more storng then normal humans can get.

"I want to hear your screams..." he whispered into my ear and punched me hard on my stomach. I couldn't hold it anymore. I screamed in pain tears dropping from my eyes like rain.

He smirked and kissed my forehead before going out again.

"I hate you..." I muttered as I was feeling more and more dizzy, blacking out.


Alyanna's POV~
We were at NaEun's and Mayri's place to plan more. Seriously I don't want this. I'm going crazy every morning trying to figure this out.

"Are you okey Alyanna-yah?" Jimin questioned.

"Uhmm… yeah…" I tried to say it convincing enough that they'll not worry.

"No, your not" Hyeyeong said worriedly.

"Look… just focus on the plan… not me…" I whispered at that last part.

"Okey then…" NaEun said with concerned tone.

"If you need time you can go and go home" Gwihan recommend and I noded and left.

I went home and I sat on my coach starting to watch some K-drama to take my mind off things but later on i'll just remember it again and get caught up thinking.

"I need to text her i'm not coming" I told myself and took out my phone.

can I not
come tomorrow?

Whatever you
want Yana I

Thank you

Now go take a
rest I know your


I then turned off my phone and took a nap on my coach.


NaEun's POV~
After Alyanna went offline I sighed and turned off my phone.

"She's not coming tomorrow" I told them. They sighed in the disappointment and I started to sob.

"It's all my fault… If I didn't say yes I couldn't have helped him and this couldn't have happened" I started to cry and Jin pats my back.

"Even if i'm litterally breaking everything in my room I will forgive you cause you are her cousin" he said with a smile.

"Besides your not the only one" ChunYoon said smiling at me. I laugh and noded.

"So are we going to continue?" Sora questioned and I noded and started to talk about the plan.


Jin's POV~
When I got home I went back to my messy room of broken glass, things, bed sheets, pillows, and clothes scattered around the room

"You really need to clean that up hyung" I heard someone say behind me and I saw Jungkook behind me.

"I don't want to… now get out before i'll do this to you" I threatened him.

"But hyung-"I cut him off but taking him by his shirt pulling him closer to me.

"Don't make excuses I don't need any help from a 13 year old!!" I shouted at him and pushed him away making him fall. I slammed the door and took a deep breath.

"What happened to mom and dad? If they know about that the crown has been taken? All I had to do was get in the demon world and get the crown and bring it back to them but even if the crown has been taken they're not trying to find it and it's been given back by them… who gave them the crown?" I start to get confused.

Then a person pop into my head "SeokJung…" I mumbled.

I think this will end at chapter 30 or something idk. Let's just wait and see.

And this is the frist time I've ever read my chapter again! Maybe i'll do that on my next book if i'm not lazy enough

Demon In School{Jin x reader} COMPLETED✓Where stories live. Discover now