{Chapter 12}

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Jin's POV~
I turned around and saw Mayri smirking at me

"W-Were you listening?!" I questioned and she laughed

"What else?" She said smirking and I took a deep breth and smirked

"Tell or you know what will happen" I said and she laughed

"Ohh!! Jin,you guys always use money and threaten people to do what you want" she said still smirking. What's going on with them?. I questioned myself. I just rolled my eyes and walked past her

"You can't hide it, I know you like my sister" she said her back facing us she left

I got shocked by her words. How did she know?. I questioned myself

Lunch time~

Y/n's POV~
After I put away all my things I but didn't go to the canteen I nstead went to the roof.

I stud there as flashbacks come into my mind about what happened when my demon almost came out

Than the door opened I turned around and saw Arron. I smiled than turn back

"Why are you here? Not with you're friends" he questioned.

"I need some time for myself. You?" I answered and he stud beside me

"That too but I guess i'm not alone" I said looking down.

"You don't have to guess" I said smirking and he giggled than the door opened again. Please don't be Jin or bts. I thought than turned around and saw no one.

"Ttong" I cursed.

(It's a bad word)

"Did you just swear?" He questioned than looked at me. I took my bag and walked to the stairs

"Wait! Y/n where are you going?!" He shouted but I ignored it and speed walked away.

Y/n's POV~
"Are they really here?" I mumbled as I walked through the halls.

"No, they can't be" I said than I heard foots steps behind me

"Yeosmeong-eo" I cursed and ran to the cafeteria but someone stopped me and I was suprised who it was

"J-Jin?!" I screamed and he looked at me confusedly. Wait... Am I imagining thigs or they're really here. I thought to myself. I than made him losen his grib and let me go

"Wait! Y/n!" He shouted and I turned around with an annoyed face

"Let me guess your going to say sorry and ask for forgiveness arn't you?" I said smirking

"No" he said making surprised

"I-I just wanted to know why were you running" he said.

"Uhh..."I said than made him lose his grib and ran away. Goyang-i, he might think this is too suspicious and he'll start to question me!! Damm you stupid head!. I mentally slap myself as I run out if the halls into the cafeteria


I pass through my friends looking down

"Y/n? Where are you going?" I heard someone questioned I turn around and saw them looking at me worriedly. I looked back and walked to my sisters table

"Sis" I called and she turned around

"Nae?" She said and I looked at her seriously

"They might be here" I whispered into her ear and she got shocked

"No they can't be! They can't find us now!" She said making everyone looked at us confusedly

"We have to go now" she said and stud up. They noded and we left

"We have to go home now and tell NaEun, Aunty and Mom" I said.

"Why not tell dad? He can help us even more can't he?" She questioned than I saw it pass through the hall

"Mayri we don't have time to go to him" I said but than I saw it running towards us

"Run!!" I screamed and we ran out of the school


We ran out of there out of breath

"L-let's go before they'll see us" i said breathing heavily and Mayri noded

Jin's POV~
School ended and for some reason I never seen Y/n or Mayri. I questioned NaEun but she just ignored me

"Brother" someone said and I turned around

"How did you find me? Why are you here? Arn't you supposed to be trying to find the thing?" I questioned and he smirked

"Yeah, but there's someone in this school that can help me but I need you're help" he said and I laughed

"You need my help? Impossible!" I said laughing but than he had a serious face

"You want to help you're family or what?" He said and I smirked

"Didn't I say this? I don't need you" I said.

Flash back~

I was in my room minding my own business when the door opened revealing my brother SeokJung

(That's his brothers name I think. I don't know I just try to find they're names online so ;-;. Btw he's not like this in real life so yeah don't hate)

"Come down" he said and walked out the door. He's never like this when we were young but I guess people change besides I already got used to it

I walked down stairs and went to the living room and expected them to be there and of course they were.

"What is it?" I questioned coldly. I didn't want anything from them I could practically take care of myself but I decided to stay with them so my life would be easier

"Could you come with you're brother to go and find one of the most powerful thing in the earth! The demons crown" my father said.

"Why would you need that?" I questioned them

"If we take it and they propose a finding of the crown the prize would be billions of dollars!!!!" My mother screamed.

"No"I answered and turned around and walked out of the room. I decided it was enough! They've been trying to get me in to finding these types types of things. All they want is money they don't care about me or my brother just money

I almost walked out the door when someone stopped me. I turn around and it was my mother

"You need us"she said and I laughed

"I don't need you!"I screamed and walked out the door.

End of flash back~

Sorry for not updating last 3 days we had camp so I didn't get to uptade ;-;. I hope you understand

Demon In School{Jin x reader} COMPLETED✓Where stories live. Discover now