the love note my mother never wrote me:

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Wow. You look beautiful today.
Every day you find a way to shine brighter than the last.
Every day you remind me that there's no use in regretting the past.
Every day I see myself in you and pray that you have the strength to move past whoever hold you back.
I'm sorry I was always afraid of lonely
I'm sorry I was addicted to the way that men hold me..
I hope you understand that lust never lasts. And I hope you learn to tell the difference between lust and romance.
There will be hundreds of men and most will do what it takes for you to let them in. Most will love your bones till they ache and then they'll break your heart in the end.
They'll sell you white lies and empty promises that you'll become more attached to than them. The men will be sorry enough to touch where it hurts and make sins with your skin.

Then they'll leave again.

Leaving you more vulnerable..more dim. But I promise the world sees you admires how fragile your heart has always been. If I could be around your whole life, during your loneliest nights, I would pick up your chin. I would let you know how amazing you are from within. You know..God has a funny way of putting the fiercest fire in our souls just to see the breakdown during our emptiest alone. Just to see the breakthrough once we love ourselves back to whole. Every night I pray for your well-being before I pray for my own. I imagine you could use it. I imagine some days you lose it. Life has a way of showing us ourselves through mini bruises. But here's a reminder. You look beautiful tonight. Every night you've found a way to shine brighter than the last. Your spirit speaks wonders and your energy uplifts the mass. Wow. I'm sorry I forgot to teach you about the light within that comes from.
loving you before loving someone else

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