dear diary

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i'm starting to feel empty inside..i don't have many friends these days. all the friends i did it do have never really were there for me, either way. i have a habit of going on autopilot and i wonder about the little pleasures in life that used to seem attainable. i imagine myself having "girls' night out" then crashing at my best friend's place because i'm too wasted to drive myself home. i dream about cooking five-course meals for my man and him genuinely liking ever bit and piece of my hard effort, down to the sautéed asparagus seasoned with lemon. or sometimes i even hope i even hope that someone would hit me up spontaneously to take a trip to the beach right before sunset just to get stoned and share secrets we never could sober. i don't know..i guess i just haven't found my outlet.
and some days..i feel i never will.
i look around and i see everyone.
but i don't think anyone sees me.
i fucking suck.
i suck at being social,
i suck at relationships..
i suck at life,overall.

i'm not worth it.

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