love note:

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you spend to much guarding your heart and not enough time nurturing it. let love come inside and fill you. allow yourself to feel..and if all fails, try again. be mindful that everything we do and everything that we go through is meant to help us grow, ultimately. throughout life we face many trials and tribulations..we come face with adversity time and time again..and we get hurt. hurt is a part of life the same way hurt is a part of growth. please, don't allow one person, or a couple of experiences, close you off to your own self-growth. you deserve to be the better version of yourself every single day. and by guarding your heart and shutting people out-you disable yourself. you put yourself in a position where you miss out on not only a love that's waiting for you—but life. you miss out on the most important things. you miss out on you.without opening your heart you can never truly know yourself. you can never fully love yourself. so keep going. keep learning. keep loving. keep being eager to let learn and love new things/people.

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