School Part 1 (Frerard)

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Frank's  POV:
"Gerard is cute. I like Gerard." I explain.
He is a funny, shy, black haired kid I know from school in history class. He doesn't talk much, only if he's called on or has to present a project in front of the class. When he does, I just stare at him. I often notice he does the same for me. We recently passed notes in class, which I kept in my backpack. When mom found them and asked me what they are from, this is what I say. I catch a glimpse of his neat, loopy, cursive handwriting and sigh.
Mom says, "You can't like Gerard because he is a boy in your class." Ugh! Why can't she just accept me? I know we disagree, especially on whether being gay is right or not, but I am her son for crying out loud!
I say, "Fuck you mom, mothers are overrated," and off to school I go.
At the bus stop, I am immediately obliterated with hurtful gay comments. My crush on Gerard is no secret for literally anybody in the student body. They give me all the hatred their able to muster in a span of ten minutes waiting for the bus. I am always a victim, and they will always be bullies.
                                 (Time skip of 26 minutes)
The bus ride was crappy as always. Kids threw paper balls at me, called me names like 'faggot' and 'retard'. One kid gave me a death threat, and another punched me in the stomach. This one girl taunted me with things like 'he'll never like you'. She was of course talking about Gerard. You know, the usual routine. I wished them the worst kinds of death under my breath in Italian. Them being burned alive, dying from acid raining from the sky, and not making it out in time in case of a volcanic eruption, all came to my mind. I have twisted thoughts, don't we all? I've always been hell-bent on revenge for those back-of-the-bus lowlifes.
As I walk into the building of prison for teenagers-I mean ' the fundamental learning facility for kids who want to get a life' a baby-faced Gerard eyes me. He gives me a look, part of our new code, now that we've gotten caught passing physical notes, we communicate with faces and small gestures. This is great because in history we don't sit anywhere near each other. The seemingly innocent kid wants me to come with him to the bathroom. I wonder why....
A\N Ooh, cliffhanger. Any ideas on what should happen next? I am at a writers block rn. Part 2 will come soon, once I have an idea. Also, IDK but the clip makes me laugh hysterically so if ur in a bad mood watch it. Bye!

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